SBMF SBMF - Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship Matthew 4:19

Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship

2021 Annual Meeting News

2021 LCJE North America News 

Brachot v'Shalom = Blessings and Peace

The SBMF Encampment will be in Nashville, TN in June.


We are sending out emails to all of our current members and past members.  There are two events this year that may interest you. 

The first is the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism, North American Annual Meeting that will be held in Dallas TX June 6th to the 9th.  As soon as the venue is secured the LCJE-NA will publish the details on the web site.  The SBMF has a group membership agreement with the LCJE, for our active SBMF members.  Our active SBMF members receive a discounted registration rate to attend the LCJE seminars and meetings.  The LCJE is an organization of numerous Jewish evangelism groups from around the world, who agree and comply with the Lausanne Covenant.  Some of the group members are J4J, CPM, CJF, Arial Ministries, and others.  During these meetings you may hear several papers being presented, make connections with other Jewish evangelism groups, fellowship with like-minded evangelists and dine in fellowship, while learning from each other.  As soon as the details are available on the www.lcje-na web site you can pray about attending these meetings.

The second event is the Southern Baptist Convention Pastors’ Conference, followed by the Annual SBC Meetings.  This Pastors’ Conferences held the next Sunday evening, June 13th and all day on the 14th.  The 15th and 16th will be the SBC Annual Meetings.  This event will be held at the Music City Center, in Nashville, TN (201 Rep. John Lewis Way S, Nashville, TN 37203).  Find info at  The SBMF will be holding a small business meeting during the convention.  There is real good news.  The SBMF will be working the SBC Executive Committee’s Booth on the exhibit floor, with several other ethnic and language groups.  In the past the SBC Executive Committee paid and supplied all the features of a separate booth for all the ethnic and language ministries.  This year we are part of the Executive Committee Booth.  Praise the L-rd.  To attend this event you will also need to register.  Registration is free, however any attendee must register as a messenger representing a Southern Baptist Congregation or Church, or as a guest.  If you register as a guest one of the SBMF officers who are active members of a SBC affiliated church, must sponsor you.  That can be done upon arrival by connecting any of the SBMF officers on site by cellphone, upon your arrival. 

If you are not up to date on your SBMF dues please contact us so we can get you back on the SBMF and LCJE membership lists.  2021 dues must be paid prior to or at the SBC Annual Meetings.  We pray that you, your family and your ministry is healthy and blessed.  Please let me know if you plan on attending either of these two events.  Contact me anytime.  My contact information is listed below.

As changes come we will publish them on this page.

Ho-doo Li'Adonai key tov, key le'oh-lahm chas-doe.”

“Give thanks to the L-rd for He is good, and His loving kindness endures forever.”

[1 Chron. 16:34,41; 1 Chron. 20:21; Psa. 106.1; Psa. 118:1; Psa. 136:1,3]


Be healthy, be safe, be filled, be blessed, be found in Him.  Our G-d is an awesome G-d.


SBMF Managers


These Managing Officers oversee the day to day operations of the SBMF. 


Officers June 2019

Elected Office of Service


Ric Worshill

Executive Director


Bruce Stokes

SBMF President


Mike Saffle

Vice President - Director of Missions

New York

Mike Herts

Missions Development Manager


Randall Clark

Ministry Development Manager


Trevor Embry

Ministry Training Manager


Hal Garrett

Acting By Appointment As Treasurer


Connie Saffle




Director 6/15/16

Region No

Map Color  

Area Of Assignment



Region #1

Light Blue  

Northeast Region, Islands


Jay Isbell

Region #2


South Region & East


Hal Garrett

Region #2


South Region & West



Region #3


Midwest Region


Trevor Embry

Region #4


West Region



Region #5

Dark Blue

Canada - Need volunteer

We will continue to manage a group membership with the LCJE-NA

For a copy of the meeting minutes please contact our SBMF President Ric Worshill



Here are some photographs that will illustrate the ministry at the SBC Annual Meetings.






If you are an active members of the SBMF you are also members of the Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism.  This entitles you to LCJE-NA member registration fees toward attend any LCJE function.  Below is the next Lausanne Consultation on Jewish Evangelism – North America Annual Conference.  If your dues are paid up to the SBMF you may attend this meeting as an LCJE member also.  The SBMF holds an organizational membership for our active members.  Please come to this event and make connections with others in similar evangelical ministries.

"For Zion's sake I will not keep silent, And for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet, Until her righteousness goes forth like brightness, And her salvation like a torch that is burning.:  [Isaiah 62:1]


"But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry."  [2 Timothy 4:5]


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The L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face shine on you, and be gracious to you;  The L-rd lift up His countenance on you, and give you peace.   [Numbers 6:24-26]

Shalom Alechem

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