Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
News Updated February 28, 2009
Shalom to all.
“The grace of the Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the love of
Elohim, and the fellowship of the Ruach HaKodesh, be with you
Two thirds of the Jewish people will parish
during the days of the great tribulation.
"It will come about in all the land," Declares the L-rd,
"That two parts in it will be cut off and perish; But the third will
be left in it. "And I
will bring the third part through the fire, Refine them as silver is
refined, And test them as gold is tested.
They will call on My Name, And I will answer them; I will say,
'They are My people,' And they will say, 'The Lord is my G-d.'"
[Zechariah 13:8-9 NASU]
It was also given to him to make war with the
saints and to overcome them, and authority over every tribe and people and
tongue and nation was given to him. All who dwell on the earth will
worship him, everyone whose name has not been written from the foundation
of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who has been slain. If anyone
has an ear, let him hear. [Revelation 13:7-9 NASU]
Zechariah 13:8-9 tells us that, once again, the
Jewish people will go through another great holocaust in which two thirds
of them will die. Only one third will come through. The antichrist will
make a covenant with the nation of Israel, but after three and a half
years, he's going to break the covenant as he comes to Jerusalem and
declares that he is god, and seeks to show that he is god, and demands to
be worshiped as god. And the faithful remnant at that time will flee to
the wilderness. The antichrist will then seek to destroy all of the Jews
that remain in the land, and two thirds of them will be destroyed; one
third shall escape.
The Jewish people are going to go through the
fire of persecution once again in this last seven years. This time is
known in the scripture as the time of Jacob's trouble, we who are in
Christ call it the Great Tribulation.
These people are my
beloved kinsman, my family and friends. Romans Chapters nine and ten
illustrate my feelings about the remnant of Israel.
We must bring the Good news to as many as
possible so they can be entered into the Lambs book of life.
The more who come to faith in Mashiach Yeshua, the less who pariah in the
Great Tribulation. The less who come to Yeshua, the more who parish.
If they come to faith now they will be with us in the clouds, when the
L-rd comes to meet us in the air (1 Thessalonians 4:15-18).
Now at that time Michael, the great prince who
stands guard over the sons of your people, will arise. And there will be a
time of distress such as never occurred since there was a nation until
that time; and at that time your people, everyone who is found written in
the book, will be rescued. [Daniel 12:1 NASU]
And the four angels, who had been prepared for
the hour and day and month and year, were released, so that they would
kill a third of mankind. [Revelation 9:15 NASU]
Our job is to bring light and life in Mashiach
Yeshua to the lost. We must
work hard because the time could be short.
Do you not say, 'There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest?
Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they
are white for harvest. [John 4:35 NASU]
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen. [Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
[Mark 16:15 KJV]
Don’t hide your light under a basket.
Tell someone the Good News of Salvation in Mashiach Yeshua today.
Join us in our mission to reach the remnant of Israel with the Truth about
their, and our, True Messiah.
Good News - New Works In The Making:
Bless the L-rd your
G-d forever and ever! Blessed be Your glorious name, which is
exalted above all blessing and praise! You alone are the L-rd; You
have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth
and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them, and You preserve
them all. The host of heaven worships You. [Nehemiah 9:5-6 NKJV]
We pray
that all is well with you. G-d is so good. Be healthy, be
safe, be blessed, be found in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
[Ref: Philippians 3:7-11]
We welcome all the
new members to the Southern Baptist messianic Fellowship. We look
forward to serving the L-rd together.
If you are a member of the
SBMF and you have ministry news that you would like to have published,
please send it to me in an email. Ric
Ministry news from your
SBMF President, Ric Worshill
b’Yeshua (Peace in Jesus).
give thanks to G-d always for all of you, making mention of you in our
[1 Thessalonians 1:2 NASU]
SBMF Annual Meetings
There is
some SBMF news that you need to know about.
The SBMF Annual meeting is coming to Louisville, Kentucky this
June. We have worked hard to
bring you a wonderful time of praise, prayer, worship and teaching.
here to see the SBMF
Annual Meeting News For June 2009
When you
look at this page you will find the schedule of events and information
about the event. We have the
speakers and the worship leader listed for you to check out.
The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Board is so gracious in
supplying us with meeting rooms for this three day event.
We praise the name of Yeshua for bringing such wonderful saints
into our lives.
SBMF Booth Project
We have
run into a snag for the booth project for this year’s SBC Annual
Meeting. After several
conversations with representatives from the North American Mission Board,
we will not be able to have a booth on the exhibit floor of the Annual
Meeting this year. The North
American Mission Board is giving permission for only two ministries to
have booth at the Annual Meetings this year.
Sadly our SBMF was not one of those ministries.
understand how this is a disappointing piece of news.
The booth last year was so successful that it surpassed our
expectations. The L-rd blessed
our ministry service at our booth last year.
We had
an average of seven serving-ones in the booth all the time during the
convention. There was only a
small time where we were all not speaking to someone.
The best thing about our booth project is that we were able to let
some of our SBC brothers and sisters know that the SBMF exists as a
ministry of Jewish evangelism inside the Southern Baptist Convention.
Only a few of the brothers and sisters that we spoke to had any
knowledge about the SBMF. Many
SBC saints came to our booth with questions about ministering Christ to
the Jewish people in their communities and the Jewish people that a family
member has married. Most of
all we were able to pray with numerous saints who are serving the L-rd
where they live and work. Many
of them were going through tribulations.
We had the ability to pray with them, right there on the exhibit
floor, in and by our booth.
It is
sad that we will not have a presence again at the Annual Meeting exhibit
hall this year. We pray that
people don’t think that we are no longer around from not seeing us
there. We need to find other
ways to advertize the SBMF and it’s ministries to our Southern Baptist
brothers and sisters. The past
few years there has been such a wonderful blessing of meeting new SBC
saints, helping new congregations get started as new works in Jewish
evangelism and help missionaries get trained up to serve in the mission
fields. We need the help of
our SBC brothers and sisters to step up the effort to bring the Good News
of Salvation in Yeshua to the Jewish people here in the USA and abroad.
Say not ye, There are yet
four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say unto you, Lift up your
eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white already to harvest.
[John 4:35 KJV]
We would
also like to help our SBC brothers and sisters bring the Good News to the
Jewish people in their communities. Please
pray about ways to let our brothers and sisters in the SBC know who we are
and how we can help.
For by one Spirit
are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether
we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
For the body is not one member, but many.
[1 Cor 12:13-14 KJV]
believe that we will all find out that there many more Jewish people right
here in the USA than all the statistics illustrate.
Of all the people groups in the USA and North America, the Jewish
people are not being told the Good News like many others.
We need help and we need workers.
As the L-rd’s remnant the Jewish people group is one that we need
to bring the Good News of Salvation by their Jewish Messiah Yeshua.
For I am not ashamed
of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to
every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to
faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
[Rom 1:16-17 KJV]
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen.
[Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. [Mark 16:15 KJV]
can’t do this alone we need the help of the saints.
The SBMF needs to grow so we can impact the lost in this people
take a look at the ministries that are active in the SBMF at this time.
Click on this link:
Click here to see a list of some SBMF
affiliated ministries
I am one
of those SBMF members who has family members who are lost and perishing.
My prayer is that we Southern Baptists proactively engage telling
the Jewish people right here in the USA about the gift of Salvation in
Mashiach Yeshua.
I say the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience also bearing me
witness in the Holy Ghost, 2 That I have great heaviness and continual
sorrow in my heart. 3 For I
could wish that myself were accursed from Christ for my brethren, my
kinsmen according to the flesh: 4 Who are Israelites; to whom pertaineth
the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law,
and the service of God, and the promises; 5 Whose are the fathers, and of
whom as concerning the flesh Christ came, who is over all, God blessed for
ever. Amen.
[Rom 9:1-5 KJV]
Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they
might be saved.
[Rom 10:1] KJV
news from Jay Isbell at Beth El Shaddai, in Bessemer, AL.
Beth El
Shaddai is hosting a Mid-Rash study over the internet each Monday evening.
This web study is moth in text and voice over the internet.
As soon as we have the details, we will post them on this page.
Night Midrash is now "Online" - to access the room please
contact us via email at:
more info please go to:
News from Amy Downey at Tzedakah Ministries --
"To Equip His Church to Reach His People"
purpose of Tzedakah Ministries can be found in its name -- Tzedakah --
which in Hebrew means "righteousness." However, Tzedakah means
so much more. As the Holman Bible Dictionary explains, “....
righteousness is the fulfillment of the terms of a covenant between God
and humanity or between humans in the full range of human
Ministries has a burden to see the Jewish people restored to a righteous
covenant relationship with Him -- one that is only possible through
Messiah Jesus.
take a look at their web pages for further resources and information
Take a
look at her web site “Mystery Solved
with Messiah Jesus is an apologetic discussion aspect of Tzedakah
news from Rob Bohning of Kehillat HaDerekh Chaim (The Way Of Life) Kansas
City, MO.
HaDerekh Chaim (The Way Of Life). We pray that this new work has a
mighty impact for the Kingdom in the K.C. area.
Press Release Central:
VI unites Christians, Jews for common cause
On Tuesday, March 3, Jews and Christians from throughout the Kansas City
metropolitan area will unite for The Gathering, a citywide celebration of
hope and a time of prayer for the peace of Jerusalem. The Gathering will
be held at 7 p.m. at First Baptist Raytown, located at 10500 E. 350
Highway in Raytown, MO. The Gathering is free and open to the public.
This is the sixth year of The Gathering. This event not only represents a
continued strengthening of relationships between the Jewish and Christian
communities in Kansas City, but also embodies a united call for peace in
“The Christian and Jewish communities of Greater Kansas City are shining
examples as they momentarily lay down their differences, embrace their
commonalities, and unite for a common cause – peace in Jerusalem,”
said Paul Brooks, Senior Pastor of First Baptist Raytown.
Brooks is co-chairperson of The Gathering, along with Rabbi Alan Cohen,
Director of Interreligious Affairs, Jewish Community Relations
Bureau/American Jewish Committee
This year’s Gathering VI will take participants on A Journey From
Darkness to Light. The program will recognize Holocaust survivors and
celebrate Israel’s 60th anniversary. The program will include children
and adult choirs from both the Jewish and Christian communities, prayers
for peace and a performance by Mah Tovu, a high-energy Jewish rock ‘n’
roll band, whose dynamic and moving performances have gained a loyal and
enthusiastic following across the country. Their fresh and exciting
contemporary Jewish music includes original songs as they use rock ‘n’
roll as a means of teaching Jewish history, Hebrew, Jewish values and
more. Their music entertains and educates, informs and inspires.
“The Jewish and Christian communities have built a wonderful bridge to
understanding. Much of this has come from our work together on The
Gathering as we pray for the peace of Jerusalem. This event is intended to
remind us that even in dark moments, we can find light and reason to
rejoice together,” stated Rabbi Cohen. “Israel is the spark of light
and through our shared faiths and voices raised in prayer we help
disseminate that light to the world.”
The Gathering is sponsored by a diverse group of organizations and
agencies, and supported by over 100 individual churches and synagogues.
For more information about the Gathering, visit
news from Shalom Ministries, Detroit. GA.
the New Year gets under way, Donna and I want to thank you for your
ongoing support for Jewish evangelism and bring you up to date on the
exciting things that God has in store for Shalom Ministry in 2009.
are working very hard to expand our speaking ministry this year, and we
appreciate any assistance or leads you can provide to help us book
speaking engagements at Sunday Schools, weekly Bible studies and Sunday
morning worship services.
this month, I was guest speaker for a Sunday worship service at Greater
Future MBC in
. With me was our very talented Sar Shalom worship leader Toni Harkonen,
who received a fabulous response from the congregation for her solo. After
our presentation, Pastor Leon Weir said the Holy Spirit had touched his
heart, and he promised from the pulpit to support Shalom Ministry. We are
looking forward to a great relationship with the members of Greater Future
MBC as they join us in our efforts to bridge the gap between the Messianic
Community and the
. Please keep Pastor Weir and his congregation in your prayers.
week, I will be conducting a class on Jewish evangelism for African
American pastors and ministers at the
. The class will offer insight into why the
should be involved in bringing the gospel to the Jewish community and
encourage ministers to look at scriptures from a Jewish perspective.
Please pray for this class, which will be held on Monday and Tuesday,
January 26 and 27.
currently planning our next visit to the
Farmington Hills
on Thursday, April 26, from 2 to 4 p.m. We expect a group of more than 100
of our supporters, pastors and members of various local churches to join
us. Afterwards, we will hold a short prayer service for the staff and
holocaust survivors who lead the tour. Although there is no charge for the
tour, donations to the
are encouraged.
our support group for Messianic Jewish couples is going strong. We’ve
made phenomenal progress in this discipleship program, as our “a
gathering of friends” grows closer to the Lord and to each other. God is
teaching us to address the special needs of Messianic Jewish believers,
especially with regard to how their unbelieving Jewish families react to
their faith. Maintaining a Jewish identity while embracing Christianity is
just one of the many unique challenges facing the couples in our group.
Please make Chauvarah a high priority on your prayer list.
encouraging by-product of our Chauvarah ministry
has been the chance to build relationships with family members of the
couples. This has opened the door to many witnessing opportunities,
including the deathbed salvation of one of the parents. It is our goal to
expand this outreach and put together an additional support group for
unbelieving family members of Messianic Jews.
pray for our continued success in reaching out to the Jewish community.
Please ask the Lord to reveal Himself to Elaine, a Jewish lady whose
husband Harry went home to be with the Lord a few weeks ago. We had the
honor of standing with Elaine during Harry’s passing, and it is our
desire to see her come to the Lord along with her children and
grandchildren. We will continue to share and interact with this very
special Jewish family in the days ahead.
join us as we pray for Moe and Diana, another senior Jewish couple with
whom we’ve been sharing the Good News; and please pray for the salvation
of their granddaughter Rebecca.
to save the date, Friday, May 29, for the Shalom Ministry Annual Dessert
Reception at
. This will be an exciting program featuring WMUZ talk show host Bob Dutko
as keynote speaker, a stirring ministry presentation, and inspiring music
by Congregation SAR Shalom’s gifted praise and worship team.
are grateful for your prayers and financial support in the effort to reach
Jews and Gentiles for Yeshua. May God bless you richly for your
faithfulness in giving?
in Messiah’s service,
and Donna Denson
News from Brother Steve Kaplan Jewish Outreach International.
Outreach International, PO Box 720375, Atlanta, Georgia 30328
HIS NAME!-God bless you and your family! Thank
you for supporting our ministry. Please pray for BOLDED newsletter items
and our MINISTRY in general. COURT CASE (wrongly cited for banner in front
of the Jewish Center) on Feb 26. MINISTRY trip to Phoenix, AZ from Feb 27
to Mar 6. RAHEL LANDRUM (JFJ Missionary/Australia) as she gives a
presentation (ISRAEL JFJ OUTREACH) in my home on Mar 7. Please pray for
FERRY BAPTIST CHURCH SAMPLE SALE (many Jewish PEOPLE the last time) on Mar
PECK (Jewish non-believer, tv show host, syndicated columnist, cousin to
Atlanta anti-missionary RICK HALPERN) was in from California. While moving
furniture at her DAUGHTER’s house, her SON-IN-LAW pulled up with her
GRANDCHILDREN. Her son-in-law and I go way back, he hates my t-shirt and
he didn’t know Arlene knows me, so imagine his surprise seeing me in his
driveway wearing a “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt! Arlene said her
grandchildren wanted to know if I’m Jewish?
A MIRACLE-Three ISRAELIS and several PEOPLE came
to our Valentine’s Outreach! One Israeli called me after he found our
Gospel tract in south Florida and recently moved to Atlanta. He claims to
be a believer, but really doesn’t have a testimony? Another Israeli
(married to Melanie who has been coming over since meeting us at the Sandy
Springs Festival) came over with his Israeli friend and don‘t claim to
believe (yet).
Harold had Amyloidosis (rare blood disease) and in 2001 was given three to
five years to live, so his death was expected. I flew to New York for his
funeral on a Sunday morning. What a privilege it was to pray over my
FAMILY and their FRIENDS. I was not allowed to hold my uncle’s casket
because of my belief in Jesus. After we buried him, we went to my Aunt’s
house to sit shiva (Jewish mourning ritual). You must wash your hands
before entering the house (custom of not bringing in anything from the
cemetery). Several of us were sitting around and my cousin’s
father-in-law asked his estranged wife if the pendant she was wearing was
a cross? It was a clover and she asked why a Jew would wear a cross? I
said I believe in Jesus, she asked why and I told them! My mom, brother
and I came back Monday for shiva before the airport. My aunt was
commissioner of elections for Nassau County, has been called by BILL
Comptroller) were both at the shiva.
car seat broke, and I was quoted $800 to fix it? The Lord reminded me
about GREG, Orthodox Jewish auto mechanic in the Orthodox area. After
visiting Greg the first time to look at it, I went to a Kosher restaurant
and was asked to leave because a customer made a scene over my “Jesus
Loves You” t-shirt. After Greg fixed it for $150, I went to another
Kosher restaurant and ran into RYAN, Orthodox Jew I witnessed to for years
while he was at Georgia State University and recently shared with on
(Jewish non-believer married to a Jewish believer) came with me to Johnson
Ferry’s CEO Ministry Luncheon. The presentation was very Christian, and
Pastor BRYANT WRIGHT concluded with comments for non-believers. Ray seemed
to enjoy it! LINDA and I visited three Russian Jewish NON-BELIEVERS. Linda
ran into FLORENCE (Jewish non-believer who used to come to our TUESDAY
NIGHT BIBLE STUDY FELLOWSHIP), and she joined us too! We were able to
share with them, and Florence said she would start coming back on Tuesdays
and let me take her to a Messianic CONGREGATION!
“Again I ask:
Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all! Rather,
because of their transgression, salvation has come to the Gentiles to make
Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches for the world, and
their loss means riches for the Gentiles,
how much
greater riches will their fullness bring!”-Romans 11:11-12
am in awe with what God is doing through our “Jesus Loves You” Jewish
star t-shirt ministry! Seven years ago I asked God about my t-shirt
uniform, and He told me to make a big Jewish star that says Jesus Loves
You. People started asking for this shirt, and we have since given away
over 18,000 of them to believers in over 60 countries around the world.
There is t-shirt testimony after testimony on our website. Last month we
had Internet requests from Sri Lanka, Lativa, Lithuania, Ukraine,
throughout Russia and the USA.
GAINESVILLE, FLORIDA-Just wanted to let you know, Junior
and his wife Debbie wore the shirts (star of David with JESUS) Thursday
all day. They came back with story after story of what God did. They were
rejoicing because they knew it would be real tough or real wonderful...and
God would use it. Just wanted to encourage your heart...come on down and
go on campus sometime with them. Love in Christ, Pastor Lonnie
PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA-(this is an e-mail Suzanne sent to one
of her friends) My husband and I will be driving to Texas to visit my
brother in March. I will be taking JESUS LOVES YOU t-shirts with me and
tracts. The t-shirts are from "Jewish Outreach International"
ministries--that is Steven B. Kaplan's ministry in Atlanta. The t-shirts
are a walking billboard advertising that Yeshua IS the JEWISH Messiah.
Each shirt is white printed in the center, front and back with a large
blue Magen David with the words "JESUS LOVES YOU." Every time I
wear it, a Jewish person stops me to talk. One lady in her 40's was
pushing a baby stroller with twins in it (her children) and she said
'YOU'VE GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME!!" It started a good conversation. She was
raised Orthodox and left it during college, married late, had twins after
age 40 and she said "Just last night I was wondering if we missed it
and if He really IS the Messiah? and now I see you here with this shirt!
What can you tell me that will show me that He IS our Messiah?" So I
took out my ministry card, and wrote down Ps 22, Isaiah 53, Daniel 9:26,
Zech 12:10 and gave her a 3 minute synopsis of the verses and why those
verses point to Him. As she left me, she said "When I get the twins
in bed for their nap I will get my Tanakh down and read these! That's just
ONE story I could tell you about what happened while wearing that shirt!
invited to have a ministry table at the BAILEY SMITH REAL EVANGELISM
“Jesus Loves You” t-shirts and many Gospel tracts! Some of the Russian
t-shirts went to a TEAM ministering to Russian JEWS in ISRAEL. Some of the
Spanish t-shirts went to TEAMS ministering in Guatemala and El Salvador!
Our table was across from the Missions Center where a table was set up for
their Homeless Ministry in downtown Atlanta. As I sat at our table and
looked at the pictures on their display, I noticed SOMEONE in their
picture ministering in a “Jesus Loves You” Jewish star t-shirt! There
was a MAN at a table near ours promoting a fictional book he had written.
It turned out he was a pharmacist, so I happened to ask if he knew RANDY
(the Jewish man we minister to) because Randy is also a pharmacist. It
turns out Randy used to work for this man when he went on vacation! So I
made sure to buy his book, have him write Randy a message and give it to
Randy who was utterly shocked!
forgot to report while distributing Gospel tracts, in my “Jesus Loves
You” Jewish star t-shirt at the Super Bowl in Tampa in January, JESSE
JACKSON walked by with his ENTOURAGE! I always pray for Jesse Jackson ever
since he made anti-Semitic remarks. The St. Pete Times and The Baptist
Press wrote about our evangelistic outreach and mentioned there were
Messianic Jews (us)!
News from our sister in Russia
vision is to see Russian Jews gathered into vibrant Messianic
congregations being a light to the nations.
- On Monday I had
the opportunity to meet with Zoya, a Russian woman who also has a vision
and desire to reach out to the Jewish community in Novosibirsk. I
had a great time getting to know her, hearing how God had led her on
this path and hearing some of the ministry that she has been doing up to
this point. She has a desire to begin a messianic congregation
here. We will continue to pray about how we might be able to work
together. I am very grateful for this sister that God has
- On Wed. I went
prayer walking around an Israeli organization that helps Russian Jews to
learn about Israel, Jewish tradition and Hebrew. They are also
involved in helping Jews immigrate to Israel. Initially my
co-worker, Mike and I were just going to prayer walk around the building
but then decided to go in and ask about their Hebrew classes. The
people there were very friendly and invited me to try out a Hebrew class
there that meets on Sunday mornings. This is not a very convenient
time for me but I will check it out this week and see how things go.
My goal is not so much to learn more Hebrew as to develop some
relationships with Russian Jews. Please pray that God will give me
wisdom about being involved in this class (or perhaps one that meets at
another time) and that God would open doors for me to meet some members
of the Jewish community here.
- Thanks for praying for
the recovery conference that Andy led last week-end. He said that
it went very well, with over 90 people in attendance. Please pray
that this conference will continue to impact recovery work all over
- I have been to gym
classes twice so far this week. I can tell them I’m out of
shape, as they are hard for me to keep up. The classes are also
much bigger than the groups I was in in Moscow. But I think that
being a part of this gym is going to be very good for me to get into
better shape.
- Next week-end I
will be attending a 24 hour retreat with some of my co-workers. We
will be doing future planning and looking at our life plans.
Please pray that I will have the time that I need this week to prepare
for this retreat and that God will bless our time together. Also
please pray for Dodi and Ariela as they will be on their own for that
amount of time. (I’ll leave them plenty of food and water so I
think they will be fine)
- Two of my
co-workers, Rachel and Chelsea will be coming over to my house for
Shabbat dinner tonight. This will be my first time to have real
guests in my new home. Please pray that we will have a blessed
time together and that I will have time to prepare everything that I
want to before they arrive.
- Moving to a new place
can be a bit lonely at first. I am very blessed with wonderful
team mates who have been so supportive of me but who are also very busy
with their lives and ministries. Please pray that God will bless
me with some new Russian friends that I can invest in. On the same
note, please pray that He will help me find a church home. If I
attend Hebrew class on Sunday mornings I may have a limited number of
choices of where to attend church.
- I’ve only been back in
Novosibirsk for nearly 3 weeks and I’m already tired of the cold
weather and snow and ice everywhere. Even though officially spring
begins here on March 1st I really don’t anticipate spring
weather for at least another 4-6 weeks. Please pray that God will
give me the grace to accept this weather and adjust to the challenges
that it brings, without complaining.
week’s memory verse for me is Psalm 121:3-4. I hope that it will
encourage you as it has encouraged me. He will not allow your
foot to slip, your protector will not slumber. Indeed the Protector
of Israel does not slumber or sleep.
God richly bless all that you do this week. Thanks so much for your
the Lamb,
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen.
[Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
We are what we eat.
Feast on the Tree of Life. Be filled with the Light and Life of
Yeshua. Read the Word.
Blessed is he who
reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things
which are written in it; for the time is near. [Revelation 1:3
Baruch Ha’ba B’Shem
Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the L-rd! [Ps 118:26 NKJV]

L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, And be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, And give you peace. [NASU Numbers

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