Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
Updated July 21, 2007
to all. “The grace of the Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the love of Elohim, and the fellowship of the Ruach
HaKodesh, be with you all.”
send us news, praises reports and
prayer requests from your ministries.
the L-rd your G-d forever and ever!
Blessed be Your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and
praise! You
alone are the L-rd; You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all
their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them,
and You preserve them all. The host of heaven worships You. [Nehemiah
9:5-6 NKJV]
Ha’ba B’Shem Adonai
is he who comes in the name of the LORD! [Ps
118:26 NKJV]
healthy, be safe, be blessed, be found in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
and Prayer From Your President: Ric Worshill
pray that the L-rd shines His Light on you. I pray that He leads you to
the Truth in Yeshua. Be strong, be healthy, be safe, be found in
prayer list is growing.
continue to pray for our dear brother Aslam (our NAMB rep.) and his family. Aslam's
daughter was involved in an accident in November and she was injured
severely. Please lift her up in your prayers. Also lift the Aslam
and his family up in your prayers.
pray for Brother Rob Bohning as he works to get a new work started in Missouri.
Brother Rob is working to plant this new work in Kansas City, MO, near
Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, where he and his friend are both
students. We are working with NAMB to start the process.
continue to lift up brother Bob and Tina Alberico as they have been called to lead a
congregation in the St. Louis area of Illinois.
pray for Brian Hawkins, Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach and the missions committee at Golden Acres
Baptist Church where they are praying about sponsorship of Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach.
pray for Dr. Michael Herts who is the fellowship Leader of B'nai Avraham
Messianic Fellowship in Hampton, Virginia.
continue to lift Rabbi Jay Fielding and his wife Michele, in your prayers as they
continue to work a new Messianic Jewish Congregation in Marietta, GA.
Shalom in Dallas, TX. (Rabbi Robin Rose) has a new web page. Please
continue to pray for
this new web presence. We pray that it will have a great effect on those who are seeking.
continue to lift up Shalom Ministries (Pastor John Denson) as their new web presence
illustrates their ministry to those who need to know. Brother John is
in need of support to continue to teach the Church how to tell the Jewish
people about Yeshua.
keep praying for the ministry of Today With G-d. Translators and financial
support is needed to bring the message to those in nations who speak in
different tongues. Also pray for our dear brother Randy Weiss as he, his
family and team work to translate the programs into every language that they
continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who are working all over this world in
missions service. Our Brothers and Sisters in the International Mission
Board, the North American Mission Board and all the missionaries, all over the
continue to pray for Vice President Jay Isbell, myself and the SBMF Executive Board, as we
work with Aslam Masih and the North American Mission Board, to make your SBMF
more resourceful to you in your ministries.
Please continue to Pray: We are praying that we will be able to be sponsored by NAMB
so we can have a
booth in the Convention Center next year in Indianapolis, Indiana. All
we need is NAMB to ask SBC Convention Exhibit Relations to allow us to have a
booth on the exhibit floor. We would like to let our SBC
Brothers and Sisters know who we are and how we can help them in this race we
run together, leading the nations and our Jewish kinsman to Yeshua. We
need exposure within the SBC. We will also need the funds to pay for
the booth, the display and the handouts.
not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say
unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white
already to harvest. [John 4:35 KJV]
is short. People are perishing.
there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is
[Proverbs 29:18 KJV]
solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to
judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach
the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with
great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not
endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will
accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and
will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But
you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry. [2 Timothy 4:1-5]
vision is about the lost. Have
you told someone about Yeshua today? Have you brought Light into a dark life
by the Word of Life, Who is the Light of the world?
The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest, By Jack
69 Issue: 14 - Thursday, June 14, 2007
Brother Jack
published this article after the 2007 SBMF Annual Meeting
Report: The Gospel According to King David
During my
recent visit with the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship in San Antonio,
one of the issues we discussed was the fact the most Jews resist Christianity
based on the concept that Jesus is a false god invented by the Christians.
this line of thinking, to accept Jesus as Lord is to abandon the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. To an observant Jew, this is nothing short of
Christians don't really understand how powerful an obstacle this represents
when presenting the Gospel to the Jewish people. They should, and that is the
purpose of today's Omega Letter.
Unlike the
Koran, for example, Christianity is a uniquely Jewish Gospel, not changed by
the New Testament, but rather, explained in greater detail.
Jesus Christ
is a Jew -- and the Trinity is a uniquely Jewish concept.
US make man in OUR image and in OUR likeness" (Genesis 1:26)
the LORD God said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us, knowing
good and evil"; (Genesis 3:22)
to, let US go down, and there confound their language. . . " (Genesis
The Hebrew
word 'Elohim" is used in the plural is translated "gods"
(referring to idols) 235 times in the Old Testament.
It is exactly
the same word that is translated "God," referring to the Almighty
God of Israel.
The Old
Testament denies the Koran's contention that God has no Begotten Son:
will surely tell of the decree of the LORD: He said to Me, 'Thou art My Son,
Today I have begotten Thee." (Psalms 2:7)
homage to the Son, lest He become angry, and you perish in the way, For His
wrath may soon be kindled." (Psalms 2:12)
has ascended into heaven and descended? Who has gathered the wind in His
fists? Who has wrapped the waters in His garment? Who has established all the
ends of the earth? What is His name or His Son's name? Surely you know!"
(Proverbs 30:4)
kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One
like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was
presented before Him. "And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a
kingdom, That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language Might serve
Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And
His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed." (Daniel 7:13-14)
The prophet
Isaiah testifies to the triune nature of God, identifying the Father, the Son
AND the Holy Spirit:
"Then a
shoot will spring from the stem of Jesse, And a branch from his roots will
bear fruit. And the Spirit of the LORD will rest on Him, The spirit of wisdom
and understanding, The spirit of counsel and strength, The spirit of
knowledge and the fear of the LORD."
My Servant, whom I uphold; My chosen one in whom My soul delights. I have put
My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations." (Isaiah
near to Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in secret, From
the time it took place, I was there. And now the Lord GOD has sent Me, and
His Spirit." (Isaiah 48:16)
Not only does
the Old Testament teach a Triune God, and the Redeemer-Son, no less a Jewish
personage than King David gives the Gospel of Jesus Christ a thousand years
before the First Advent.
David was
chosen to be King of Israel, according to the prophet Samuel, because he was
a man after "God's own Heart."
LORD hath sought him a man after His own Heart." (1st Samuel 13:14)
But we also
know from Scripture that David was both an adulterer and a murderer. The
Bible says that David lusted after Bathsheeba after seeing her bathing
herself on a rooftop.
Upon learning
Bathsheeba was married, he sent her husband, Uriah, into battle carrying
sealed orders to the general commanding David's battlefield army.
Those sealed
orders instructed the commander to put Uriah into the the front lines of
battle where he was certain to be killed, so David could take Uriah's widow.
confronted by the prophet Nathan with his sin, David demonstrated WHY he was
a man after God's own heart.
Convicted to
his heart, David cried out to God, (as recorded in Psalm 51):
mercy upon me, O God, according to Thy lovingkindness: according unto the
multitude of Thy tender mercies blot out my transgressions. Wash me throughly
from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. For I acknowledge my
transgressions: and my sin is ever before me. Against Thee, Thee only, have I
sinned, and done this evil in Thy sight: that Thou mightest be justified when
Thou speakest, and be clear when Thou judgest."
This is the
Gospel of Jesus Christ unto salvation. An admission of sin, a cry for mercy
and an acknowledgment of God's grace in extending forgiveness for that sin.
David then
acknowledges the fact that he is a sinner by nature.
I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me. Behold, Thou
desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part Thou shalt make me
to know wisdom."
recognizes what Paul later described this way:
I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my
members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity
to the law of sin which is in my members." (Romans 7:23)
carefully what David says next:
me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than
He asks GOD
to purge him, cleanse him and wash him. David doesn't do it on his own, he
asks God to do it for him, then acknowledges it as an ACCOMPLISHED fact.
Thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities. Create in me a clean
heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me."
What has
David actually done to make atonement for his sins, to this point? So far,
David has made it all God's responsibility.
me not away from Thy presence; and take not Thy Holy Spirit from me. Restore
unto me the JOY of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free Spirit."
It is God Who
continues to do the work. David doesn't ask to have his SALVATION restored;
he asks God to restore the JOY that comes of it, and asks God to uphold him
by grace through God's freely given Spirit.
So, once
David has confessed his sin, asked God to forgive his sin, put it on God to
clean up his heart and renew a right spirit within him, expressed the JOY
that comes with restoration, David says;
will I teach transgressors Thy ways; and sinners shall be converted unto
What does God
demand of David in return for forgiveness, salvation, joy, restoration,
cleansing and renewal?
Thou desirest not sacrifice; else would I give it: Thou delightest not in
burnt offering. The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a
contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."
This is the
Gospel of Jesus Christ, given by the King of Israel, a thousand years before
the "Son of David" walked this earth.
acknowledgment of his sin. Secondly, that his sin was against God. God is
therefore the One with the authority to extend forgiveness.
Third, David
acknowledges that sin is what men do, but forgiveness and cleansing come from
David's joy
is born out of understanding his eternal security in God and is manifested by
his dependence on God to keep him and renew him for the work God has place
before him.
And, armed
with that understanding, David says,
will I teach transgressors Thy ways, and sinners shall be converted unto
Do you see
it? Too often, we present becoming a Christian as a miserably bland and
colorless existence of sacrifice and self-deprivation, rather than one of
joyful liberty.
It isn't
sacrifice that God demands of us. It isn't burnt offerings. The sacrifice of
Christ is all-sufficient.
this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on
the right Hand of God." (Hebrews 10:12)
Armed with
this understanding, we can then confidently fulfill the Great Commission
given us.
Jesus Christ
is the Jewish Messiah as well as the Savior of all mankind. Jew or Gentile,
we need only seek His Face for salvation, for renewal and for strength.
My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." (Matthew 11:30)
He does all
the rest. Not because we are worthy in and of ourselves. But because He MADE
us worthy.
Knowing this,
we can then go out and introduce Him -- and the JOY of His salvation -- to
the lost and hopeless.
Because you
ARE worthy to carry the Message. That's why He sent you.
It is with
great sadness that I note the passing of Herb Peters of "Fulfilled
Prophecy" and I extend my deepest sympathies to his family and friends
for their loss.
Although we
may not have agreed on minor points of doctrine, we agreed that salvation is
a gift of grace through faith. What is our loss is Heaven's gain. We thank
God that Herb's passing was quick and merciful.
Our prayers
are that the Lord will comfort Herb's friends and family with the knowledge
that this separation, although painful, is only temporary.
As that old
hymn tells us: "Only one life, will soon by past, only what's done for
Christ will last."
Ministry & Outreach News From
Ruth, Our Sister Missionary In Russia
13th, Praise and Prayer: Our
vision is to see Russian Jews gathered into Messianic congregations being a
light to the nations.
Thank you to all of you
who prayed for my Internet to get fixed. The day after I sent out that
request a repairman from the Internet provider came out and fixed it. That
just happened to be my birthday (July 4th) so that was a very
wonderful birthday gift.
Aside from getting my
Internet up and running God richly blessed my birthday this year. I am
so thankful for another year of life and the health and the ability to serve
Him here in Russia. I received greetings from many of you, which made
the day very special. In the evening I went out for dinner with my
friends Megan and Jenni to a Mexican restaurant. It was delicious.
Today I will celebrate again with the members of our English club. Praise
God for birthdays.
There are now 6 people
officially signed up for camp. We are hoping to have 40 so we have a
long way to go but it is a start. Russians don’t like to plan ahead.
Praise God for those who have committed to come. Please continue to
pray that others will sign up soon.
I was able to get
prayer routes all worked out and am now ready to lead 3 prayer walks next
week. The group of volunteers will arrive today (July 7th)
and I will meet them tomorrow at our orientation breakfast. I’ll give
more specific requests related to this week below.
My new team mate Donna
is currently on a plane in route to Moscow and should be arriving this
afternoon. You have prayed for her for a long time and at last God is
answering our prayer. Please pray for her to have a safe trip and to be
able to get over jet lag quickly. She will be involved in Reach Moscow
with Prayer this coming week so she will have to jump in to life in Moscow
quickly. Please pray that her adjustment to life here will go well.
And last but not least, please pray for us as we begin to develop our
relationship as partners in ministry and sisters in our Messiah.
Several months ago my
sister in law lost her job and has been looking for a new one. This week she
started a new job and really likes it so far. Praise Him for providing
her with just the right job for her.
Before my Bible study
on Thursday I prayed that God would send more seekers to our study. God
answered that prayer in unexpected ways and sent 3 seekers and 1 believer.
Praise God for those who are studying His Word and learning about who
He is. Pray that they will each come into a personal relationship with
1. The 7th
annual Reach Moscow with Prayer begins today 07/07/07. We know that
this event will not be perfect but we do pray that God will use the prayers
of His people to accomplish much. 22 people are coming from 3
different churches. We will be prayer walking around the Kremlin every
morning and then the group will be split up into different teams to prayer
walk with various IMB personnel around the city. I will be leading
groups on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. I just looked at the weather
forecast and rain is predicted for each of those days. Please pray that
God will give us divine encounters as we are covering this city with prayer.
Pray that the team will have the stamina that they need to be doing a
lot more walking than they are used to. Please pray that everyone will
stay healthy and that God would give us a sweet spirit of fellowship. If
you would like a copy of the prayer guide that we are giving everyone who is
coming please let me know and I’ll tell you how you can get a copy.
2. Please continue to pray
for the plans for the English camp. One very urgent request is for
passports for two of the team members who are coming from the US. They
applied for their passports in FEBRUAY but have not received them yet. They
need their new passports in order to begin the application process for their
visas to Russia. Please pray that they will come this week and that
they will be able to get their visas in a timely manner.
3. In
addition to the team that I have coming in August, I also have a team coming
in September. I am in the process of trying to nail down accommodations
for them during the time that they are there. Please pray that I would
be able to get that done soon. Also please pray for all the other
details that need to be taken care of for that group.
July 15th Praise and Prayer:
I survived the week.
Thanks so much for your prayers. It was a very busy but blessed week. I
led 3 prayer walks and one sightseeing excursion over the course of the week.
I had many opportunities to have people praying for Jewish people in
synagogues and the streets of
. I loved meeting all of the volunteers who came. They blessed me, and the
rest of my colleagues with their prayers, their words of encouragement and
with lots of goodies that you can’t buy here. Thanks to them I am
well supplied with peanut butter, ziplock bags and mac and cheese. I’m
exhausted but very grateful to those who came and participated.
In addition to the
volunteers who came last week my new team member Donna also arrived on
Saturday. She didn’t get a chance to get over jet lack before
participating in all of the activities of the week of prayer. But she
never complained and I think she also was blessed to start her term here in a
week bathed with prayer. I am enjoying getting to know her and praise
God for the new team member and sister that He has sent to me.
Last Saturday
evening I had a picnic for the people who attend my English club. It
was also an opportunity for them to sign up for the English camp. Many
who I thought would come will not be able to come. So I have opened up
to more people and extended the deadline until July 27 (10 days before camp
starts). Please continue to pray that God will send those that He wants
to participate. The English club picnic was fun and without rain.
There were 15 people there, including some new people or people we had not
seen in a long time. We will have one more get together before camp
starts. July 27th I’ve invited everyone over to my house
for a Mexican dinner. This will be a first for many of them.
Hopefully many will be able to come. I am so thankful for the
relationships that are developing there.
Last week I asked
you to pray that the team coming for English camp would get their passports
soon. Well, God answered that prayer and their passports have arrived
and they will apply for their visas this week. Hallelujah! Please
continue to pray for them as they prepare to come.
I also asked you to
pray that I would be able to find accommodations for the team coming in
September. I was able to make reservations at a hotel that is a bit far
away from me but is reasonably priced and should be a comfortable place
for them to stay.
At my Bible study
on Thursday we had 7 Russians. That is the biggest group we’ve ever
had. Please pray that God continues to work in the lives of those who
are attending.
Since last week was so
busy I am quite far behind and have lots to do this week. One of the
main things I need to do is to spend some time orientating Donna. Please
pray that God will give me wisdom about how to best use my time. Please
continue to pray for Donna as she learns what she needs to know. Also
pray for her this week as we get her settled in with things like a cell
phone, printer and dishes.
Another big request in
terms of Donna’s orientation would be for a language teacher. The
person who is responsible for finding her a teacher is currently on vacation
in the
and is trying to find someone long distance. I am also trying to see if
I can find someone. The problem is that many people want to take the
month of August off and don’t want to teach. We really want her to
start studying full time next week. Please pray that God will provide
the right person for her, in a timely fashion.
My friend Cecilia, from
South Africa
is planning to visit me at the end of August but has run into some problems
with getting her Russian visa. Please pray that we will find a solution
to that problem and that she will be able to come for a visit.
am very far behind in answering e-mail so if you have written to me in the
last week or so please be patient as I try to get caught up on things. Thanks
for being such faithful prayer warriors.
Thank you so very much for holding up the reigns
during this very busy time in my life. I appreciate it so very much.
Please be patient with me if I am slow in answering e-mail this week. I
got a bit behind when my Internet was down last week and won’t have much
time on the computer next week.
you so much for holding the ropes this week. I’m tired but so blessed
to see all that God did. May God richly bless you this week.
the Lamb,
from Brother Steve Kaplan
Vernon Baptist Church/Jewish Outreach Ministry
Mount Vernon Hwy
GA 30327
HIS NAME! - May God richly
bless you and your family! Thank you for your support of our ministry.
Please pray for BOLDED names in this newsletter as well as other OUTREACH not
specifically mentioned. Please pray for our Tuesday Night Discipleship
FELLOWSHIPS, Thursday afternoon mall OUTREACHES (when here) and OUTREACH in
ARAD, ISRAEL July 26 to August 3 during a Music Festival.
My church
leadership/accountability met with me recently to discuss the future of Mount
Vernon Baptist Church/Jewish Outreach. Although MVBC/Jewish Outreach
began in March 2002, my church leadership/accountability reminded me this was
to be a temporary way to “house” my ministry. After a lot of prayer
and soul searching, it was determined we would start a new 501c3 not for
profit ministry which provides the proper framework for accountability,
growth and expansion! I am pleased to inform you that on May 10, 2007
my lawyer FRIEND filed papers with the State of Georgia and Jewish Outreach
International, Inc. was formed! We are in the process of choosing a
Board of Directors and applying for not for profit status with the Internal
Revenue Service. Ministry will continue as usual for now. Thank
you for praying!
pray for our Tuesday Night Discipleship Fellowships from 7pm to 10pm.
Please pray God would bring PEOPLE He wants us to minister to and protect us
from distracting PEOPLE. We were blessed to have Jewish non-believers
GLORIA & MICHAEL attend our fellowships last month! GRAHAM (Jewish
believing roommate) was out front as the fellowship was starting and spoke
with MATT (Jewish non-believing neighbor) who Graham already knew from Matt
walking his dog. Matt saw all the cars and asked if there was a party
(provoke them to jealousy) giving Graham an opportunity to share his faith
and invite Matt! After dropping MIKE (Jewish believer) off at his
apartment downtown, I went to the Kroger in the Orthodox neighborhood and an
obviously Jewish WOMAN questioned my “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt. She
said it couldn’t be, and I most definitely informed her Jesus fulfilled the
Messianic Prophecies in the Old Testament!
continue to meet for lunch/outreach at Perimeter Mall on Thursdays when I‘m
in town. One Thursday GEORGIANA (Gentile believer) and her father
LEONARD (Gentile believer?) met us for lunch. As we met, my former
Hebrew teacher AMIR (Israeli non-believer) walked by and rolled his eyes at
my “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt. After the meeting LISA (Orthodox
Jewish non-believer who engages me in conversation so she can tell mall
security I’m harassing her) saw my t-shirt at her new job at Nordstrom‘s.
Another week I had a really good conversation with SNIR (Israeli
non-believer) who I’ve been sharing with for years. He told me he
watched a television program on the Book of the Revelation!
(Jewish believer) asked me to speak in her Sunday School CLASS at Mount Paran
Church of God in Atlanta, Georgia. I shared my testimony, about our
ministry, gave out “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts and Gospel tracts and
answered questions. My friend JAY (Jewish believer) asked me to speak
some at his new Messianic CONGREGATION at Eastside Baptist Church in
Marietta, Georgia and gave out “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts. If you
would like me to share my testimony (God healed me of bitterness, anger and
alcoholism), about reaching out to Jewish people, about our ministry and/or
equip your congregation with “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts and Gospel
materials, please let me know? Perhaps there is some big event in your
area conducive for Gospel tract distribution we can evangelize at?
Perhaps there are very few Jewish people in your area, and I can speak about
creative ways to reach Jewish people (the apple of God’s eye)?
VISIT - My friend BRIAN
(Jewish believer/Messianic Leader) came to Atlanta from Alabama so we could
travel together to the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship which was held
in San Antonio, Texas. He came early and stayed afterwards so we could
minister together. Here’s some of what happened:
- Brian and I wore “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts and had lunch at the Sabra
Café in the Israeli supermarket in Dunwoody. Several ISRAELIS were
challenged by our t-shirts, asked questions and took Gospel materials!
We took my roommate GRAHAM (Jewish believer) and MARLENE (Jewish believer
widow) to my church for dinner which was followed by a Jewish Outreach
presentation. MURRAY TILLES (Jewish believer missionary) and I shared
with my church and equipped people with Jewish Outreach materials.
- Our “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts challenged people as we traveled through
Atlanta, Houston and San Antonio. People were challenged by our
t-shirts at the Alamo and the River Center Mall, but the ISRAELIS weren’t
interested in their Messiah? I purchased over 200 postcards which
were sent primarily to Jewish PEOPLE/FAMILIES we reach out to! Several
of us went to dinner and took a boat tour (hopefully thousands of people we
passed were challenged by our evangelistic clothing). Upon returning to
our hotel, a Jewish COUPLE was challenged by my t-shirt and then by sharing
an elevator with a bunch of Jewish believers in Jesus! We found out
later there were many Jewish GUESTS in our hotel in town for a wedding they
were all going to!
- I walked around San Antonio wearing a “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt and
distributed Gospel tracts. The basketball finals happened to be in town
and brought many more people then usual! I remember the Alamo because I
distributed Gospel tracts there and almost passed out from the heat!
The Holy Spirit prompted me to eat dinner at Sbarro’s in the food court,
but when I got there I was the only customer? As soon as I thought,
“Okay Lord, why am I here?” a young man appeared from the back, looked at
my shirt, told me his name is BRANDON, he’s from Brooklyn, New York and
Jewish and he let me share with him! The Southern Baptist Messianic
Fellowship meets before the Southern Baptist Convention, and we had a
beautiful Shabbat Service!
- We spent the entire day in meetings with the Southern Baptist Messianic
Fellowship. Five Messianic Leaders were ordained including my friend
JAY FIELDING (Jewish believer Congregational Leader) who’s CONGREGATION
just started meeting on Saturday mornings at Eastside Baptist Church in
Marietta, Georgia.
- I spent the afternoon with my cousin DAVE (Jewish non-believer) and his
wife DORI (Catholic believer?) who live in San Antonio. I saw them in
Miami at my Great Aunt’s funeral. I also just saw Dave’s sisters
CAROL and LINDA when I had gone to New York and Florida. My Aunt pretty
much raised Dave and she was like a mother to him. They were still
hurting from our loss and asked questions about my beliefs!
- We flew back to Atlanta and many people were challenged by our t-shirts
along the way!
- Brian, TODD (Jewish non-believer) and I went to lunch and then to visit
RICHARD (Jewish non-believer), Graham and JOSH (Jewish believers)’s father.
Brian shared his testimony at our fellowship.
- Brian started back home, but had a break problem so we took our cars to get
fixed by Marlene’s son JAY (Jewish non-believer). We had lunch across
the street where we shared with AL (Muslim) who has a business in a building
owned by my favorite Hollywood personality ARLENE PECK (Jewish non-believer).
As Brian was leaving, we met JACOB (Jewish non-believer) who let us share and
gave me contact information!
non-believer neighbor) and I started walking. Ryan continually brings
up my belief and asks questions! As we walked, we met the neighbors two
houses away from mine and it turned out BEN and RUTH are non-believing Jewish
Holocaust Survivors! They started in about the t-shirt, so I spoke some
Yiddish, wished them a Shabbat Shalom and they smiled and drove away?
As we stood and talked in front of my house, my next door neighbor STAN
(Jewish non-believer) stopped to chat with us!
(Jewish non-believer from South Africa and ISRAEL) was asked to vacate his
apartment in the basement of an Orthodox FAMILY home because they were
expecting and needed his room for the NANNY. Michael begged me to let
him live in my house so I let him move in. Not only did he ask me to
take him to church, but he furnished my dining room and bedroom! He
told me he may become part of my “Movement”, and I (jokingly to him, not
in my heart) told him he’s not living in my house unless he does!
(Jewish non-believer) asked me to help her move. Once we moved her into
the new place, I noticed she needed a table and chairs. Since Michael
moved his dining room set into my place, I had an extra table and chairs that
Lisa told me were the kind she wanted to buy! My sister LISA K. had
actually given me the table and chairs when she moved to California, so it
gave me an opportunity to call her and make sure she definitely didn’t want
them before I actually gave them away. Lisa S. was most appreciative!
EVANGELISM - Several years ago
I met a Jewish MAN online who told me he was a believer in Jesus, but would
not meet to study the Bible and stopped responding to my messages. He
had his picture in his profile so when I ran into him at a restaurant I knew
it was him. He kept staring at my “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt.
A few weeks later, I ran into him at the same restaurant, but we did not
talk. I found him online and told him I was praying for him and was the
one wearing “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts he had seen at restaurants.
He thanked me, but stopped responding to my messages again? I took some
PEOPLE to dinner (not the same restaurant as the other times) and ran into
this Jewish man a third time! I made sure he saw my shirt, but didn’t
intrude on his dinner. After dinner I was surprised when he walked over
and shook my hand. I was even more surprised when he said hello to one
of my friends who had worked for him several years ago!
believer) wrote: Dear Steve and Graham, Thank you so much for coming to
the hospital at the exact time you did with the lovely roses, and the note
with Proverbs 3:5-6, which was just what I needed as they had the surgery
time scheduled wrong! (Graham had not planned to visit Nicole, he just
happened to be outside the store where I bought the flowers and wanted to
come with me) Red roses are my favorite flowers, and I had been wishing
for some. I also am thankful that Graham was there to distract my
FATHER (Jewish non-believer) from his worries, and ya’ll coming back to
welcome me to my room was so kind and really gave me peace to settle in.
Thank you so much. Love, Nicole Proverbs 11:25
ANDY (Gentile believer) works with a Jewish young man named MICHAEL G. who I
met at church one night and shared with. Michael e-mailed to say he
prayed to receive Jesus but would never meet with me? I stopped in at
the store and reconnected with Michael, please pray!
EVANGELISM - After lunch, I
decided to go to the supermarket and as I went to Kroger’s, the Lord
redirected me to Publix where I ran into MURIEL (elderly Jewish non-believer)
who never returns my phone calls? She was happy to see me and told me
she keeps all my postcards in a stack with a rubber band!
JAY (Jewish believer) and MICHELLE invited me to dinner at their
house, and I brought DOUG (Jewish non-believer). Several of us took
turns sharing with Doug in a non-threatening way!
I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at
all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the
Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means
riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much
greater riches will their fullness bring!”-Romans 11:11-12
SUZANNE from Pennsylvania writes: My church's
missions group, Calvary Assembly of God in Irwin, PA, will be wearing your
t-shirts to Jamaica. Last month I was in the mall wearing the Jesus
Loves You t-shirt and encountered an Israeli who runs a kiosk. He
offered me hand cream but he noticed the shirt so I asked him if he had been
in the Israeli military. He looked a bit surprised at the question and said
"Yes, I was a tank commander!" I told him my did the same thing in
Iraq, and he was delighted to talk with somebody who knows something about
that responsibility; and so we started talking about things that interest
military families. Then I said "So. You know, don't you that Moshiach is
coming at the height of the Battle for Jerusalem and we are in one phase of
that battle now." And that began a very good conversation about Y'shua
and how He is not "Yeshu", WHY He is not "Yeshu" and how
He is also Messiah ben Yosef, the Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53. The mall
was deader than a hammer so this young man was free to talk and talk we did
for a good half hour. He said he did not have a Tanakh with him in the U.S.
and hadn't read one in awhile, so I offered to give him a Hebrew/English
Tanakh which I brought the next day. However, I had a tape in my pocket from
LIGHT OF THE WORLD Ministries/Jonathan Cahn which he took with interest as
the subject of the tape was the Messiah. The next day when I returned with
the Tanakh and Hebrew/English NT, I had TWO conversations with two other
Israeli's. After we discussed various verses, all of them took the verses I
wrote down for them and said they would read the verses and consider if
Y'shua is the Messiah. I went back to the Mall two weeks ago and met another
one of the Israeli's and again the Mall was nearly empty so she and I had a
good conversation about Y'shua and she said the group has a Tanakh that some
Christian lady gave one of them and she would go home and read all the verses
I wrote down for her. This girl was interested in where the Messianic
Congregations are in this area so I gave her that information too. She said
that the next time she gets Shabbat off, she wants to go.
from Nevada writes: We
took Alexander to a show called "The Dixie Stampede" in Branson,
Missouri. I was wearing your sweatshirt. After the show ended and we were
leaving a young woman employee came up to me and asked if I was a Jewish
Believer. Anyways she is also. Her name is Treasure. She is from New Jersey
and she attends the Messianic Cong. in Branson. She said that her whole
family are believers!
from Maryland writes:
Good morning Mr. Kaplan, and bless you. i just wanted you to know that
i did receive in yesterday's afternoon mail the beautifully designed
t-shirts. Thank you ONCE AGAIN, for ALL of your support. i'm blessd to be
used as a dispenser, and i know the children will be blessed to be the
recipients. Thank you. celena (We sent Spanish“Jesus Loves You” t-shirts
for a Dominican Republic orphanage)
in Nepal writes: dear
steven, how are you?. so happy to know in my heart that you are
persevering in HIM and serving him. i teach on creative evangelism in
church to 350 people this sunday using your davidic star and a gospel
cap...pray for me. i pray regularly for you ...bless u so so much for
praying for us in nepal.
i wish you come to nepal so we can fellowship and serve HIM much more
together. welcome to our home.
in Israel writes: We
just had two young girls from California stay with us for almost a month.
They wore the Jesus loves you T-Shirts all over town. Eddie wears one almost
every day. He wore one to the police station this morning - this time he
pressed charges against one of the Datiim.
Ministry & Outreach News from Rabbi Ken Alpren at Kol Dodi
Times is going to do a story on the radio show - should be in next issue.
to "Shalom Nashville"
midnight - 1am CST 91.1FM
addition to our normal time,
12 midnight - 1 or 2am Sunday (no show Dec.30):
Dec.22, 2-4pm
Jan.1, 4-6pm
Jan.5, 6-8pm
Jan.12, 6-8pm.
or listen on line at
all times listed are C.S.T
March 10th Kol Dodi Congregation will meet at 10:30 am.
Hebrew class will be moved back to 9:30. (see you there)
Tuesdays at Kol Dodi (Calvary Baptist)
6:15 – 7pm Prayer Hour (Sha’at
7 – 7:45pm “Growing in Maturity” Study - go
out for Coffee after!
Upcoming Holiday Celebrations
/ Observances 5767-5768 (2007)
(actual Service dates posted nearer to
• July 24 Tisha
B’Av (9th
of Av – Destruction of Temple)
• September 13 Rosh Ha Shannah
(Trumpets/New Year)
• September 22
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
• September 27-October 3
Sukkot (Tabernacles)
• December 4-11
Chanukah (Dedication / Lights) evenings
/ donations to:
Dodi”, 537
Rabbi / Pastor
B. Alpren Click
Here To Email Kol Dodi
Ministry Report From: Pastor John Denson
at Shalom Ministries:
Ministries has a new web site Please take a look at this site and see
how Brother John can help. Here is the link:
sure to be on the lookout for upcoming events that include:
- Marriage
Seminar Family Seminar
- Youth
- Summer
Outreach Campaign and Concert Rally in August.
- Summit
on October 13th to bridge the gap between Messianic and Gentile leaders.
- Dessert
Fundraiser on Dec. 7th, a dessert reception.
John has a new brochure to send out with speaking topics. Please
contact him if you are interested in having him come and speak at your Church
or Congregation.
Loren and Martha are in NYC with Jews for Jesus:
as part of their Summer Witnessing Campaign. They are scheduled to be back
July 30th. During this time, Rabbi Loren wants you to feel free to call. His
cell number is 248-631-6006. He will also be in touch by sending email
updates and reports. Please remember to pray for the Jacobs and for this
great outreach which is taking place in one of the most important cities in
the world!
Ann Arbor
Art Fair: take a day off and join us for our annual outreach. Dates:
Wednesday, July 18 to Sunday, July 22. Training for the outreach will take
place again on Wednesday (7/11) after the Bible study, and the last
opportunity will be this coming Shabbat before the service, from 8:00-9:00
AM (you must contact Rabbi Glenn beforehand if you want to attend the
early Shabbat workshop). We want everyone to have a “Jesus Made Me
Kosher” t-shirt. A new shipment just arrived and the cost is $12. Sign up
sheets for the outreach team will be on the back table, and also available
at the Bible Study on Wednesday evening. We still need a few people for
Wednesday and Thursday mid-day. Please contact Rabbi Glenn.
Financial Management Seminar notes: We are adding the Financial
Management Seminar notes to the website. They should be on the website
shortly. Go to the menu on the left on the homepage; go to Financial
Management; click it on and go to the Financial Management Seminar.
Basketball: Any men in the congregation who would like to play basketball on
Monday evenings at the church are invited to do so. Contact Rabbi Glenn to
let him know you are interested.
Musicians needed: The Shema Worship Team is still (and always) looking for
willing musicians. You don't have to be a pro, just willing to put your
talent to work for the Lord. Talk to Rabbi Glenn if you think this is
something you'd like to pursue.
The Wednesday evening Bible Study will continue during the Summer, and on
July 11th we will begin an in-depth study of the life and teachings of
Messiah Yeshua as portrayed in the Gospels, emphasizing the Jewish cultural
and historical backgrounds. We encourage you to attend, and to invite your
friends, as well!
Announcements from Shalom
Ministry is looking for volunteers to hand out tracts and do street
evangelism every Friday and Saturday for the month of August, 2007.
Counseling is available through Shalom Ministry, Tuesday through Thursday at
the ministry office at
Hazel Park
. If interested, contact Pastor John Denson at (248) 545-8800.
Denson will be preaching a special service at
Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 10:00 a.m.
Ministry is still in need of family recipes for the Cook Book Project. The
deadline is extended to September 1, 2007.
is having painful digestive problems (may be food poisoning, but may be
bacterial infection).
Gonzales' brother Dean really needs our prayers as well. He is battling
brain cancer.
Box 19695
Detroit, MI 48219
[248 545 8800]
Report From: Pastor Brian Hawkins at Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach
July 15th Ted Pearce will be in town and we will be holding a messianic
concert and outreach to the community abroad. After that we are going to be
observing Tisha B'Av that will be a day where we as a congregation will come
together for prayer and fasting for the Jewish people and their salvation.
Last week we saw 2 gang members receive the Lord during our witnessing
campaign. Praise the Lord! We go out witnessing on the streets about 2
xs per week.
continue to pray for us about our meeting place.
b'Shem Yeshua,
Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach
Alpha Ct.
City, AL 36867
News from Jay Fielding at Beth Chaim Messianic Fellowship
report: Beth Chaim and Eastside Baptist are working
together to help Beth Chaim grow into a mission and new work in lifestyle
Sent July
1, 2007
Shabbat Beth Chaim was truly blessed by the Lord as we praised, prayed,
danced, worshiped, received God's Word and fellowshipped at Eastside Baptist
attendees blessed us in celebrating Beth Chaim's first year anniversary
and our official opening day at Eastside. There was a unity of God's
sweet Spirit for Jewish and Gentile believers as we joined in Hebraic
style worship
couple visiting for the first time told us that this was a beautiful
messianic service rich in God's Word and they planned to be a
regular part of our worship. We ministered to two unsaved Jewish guests, one at
the service and one in our home that evening.
Ha'Shem Yeshua
& Outreach News from Hal and Esther Garrett, First
Baptist Church Hardy, Cherokee Village, AR.
brief summary of Esther and my ministry and work.
and Esther have numerous speaking engagements.
His service and love
and Esther Garrett
Report and blessings from Rabbi Richard Geiger, Valley of Blessing,
Greensboro, NC.
Requests Continued:
are praying for another location to worship.
are praying for a member to step up
to serve as treasurer,
are praying for increased giving,
are praying for speaking opportunities
coming up (especially with an Arab congregation).
have been led to a person who will lead us through incorporation.
SBMF has been working with NAMB to find a location for this ministry to
out the below SBMF recommended Messianic ministries for details of .
Members Ministries, Congregations and Worship Service Information
& Fellowships
Adat Shalom
Beth HaShem
Avraham Messianic Congregation
Christian - Jewish Unity
Riverside County area of
Southern California
Beth Chaim
El Shaddai
Avraham Messianic Fellowship
Kol Dodi
Side of Central Nashville, TN.
Of Blessing
Greensboro, NC
Disciple Center
Anaheim Hills, CA
Peculiar, MO.
of Israel Congregation
Charlotte, NC.
& Resources
Detroit, MI.
Princeton, WV
Institute Of Jewish Studies
A Ministry Of
Criswell College
Dallas, TX.
Eternal Life Style Ministries
Shomreem Ministries
Lindenhurst, IL.
of Messiah
Charlotte, NC.
Fort Worth, TX.
Vernon Baptist Church - Jewish Outreach Ministry
Atlanta, GA.
Some of the above web sites have SBMF
members attending or associated with those ministries. Some of these above
ministries are not directly SBMF members as a congregations or ministries. The
member of those ministries may be a member of the SBMF.
Not all of our affiliated Messianic congregations or our member's
ministries have web sites. Some of our members have not yet
requested us to post links to their web sites. If you are a member
of the SBMF and would like a link to your web site posted and linked,
please contact us at the SBMF.
Our intention is to help resource our SBMF
members in their ministries.
Ysrael Adonai Elohaunoo, Adonai Echad
Israel the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One
Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood — and He has
made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father —
to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even
those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over
Him. So it is to be. Amen. "I
am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, " who is and who
was and who is to come, the Almighty." [Rev 1:5-8 NASU]
was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice
like the sound of a trumpet, saying, " Write in a book what you see,
and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to
Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea."
Then I turned to see the
voice that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw [Rev
1:10-12 NASU]
it is about position. John
heard, he turned, and he saw. To
truly see you need to turn to Yeshua. I heard - I turned - I saw - I
found Salvation in the L-rd.
L-rd is knocking at the door of your heart.
Will you let him in?
Shem K'vod Malchooto lay'olam vay'ed
His Glorious Name Whose Kingdom is Forever and ever

L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, and be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, and give you peace.

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