Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
Chanukah Is Here

is year, 5767 in the Hebrew calendar. The
Feast of Chanukah starts the evening of December 15, 2006 and ends eight days
later on December 23, 2006.
- Hanukkah
- The Dedication
Story & A Study
Under Syrian Rule
2,100 years ago there was a time when the land of Israel was part of the
Syrian Empire, dominated by Syrian rulers of the dynasty of the Seleucids.
illustrate the move of G-d in the story of Chanukah we must teel the
entire story as reported in history. We
start this story of Chanukah with Antiochus III, the King of Syria, who
reigned from 3538 to 3574 (222-186 B.C.E.).
He had waged war with King Ptolemy of Egypt over the possession of
the Land of Israel. Antiochus III was victorious and control of the Land
of Israel was added to his empire. When he took over control of the land
of Israel he treated the Jews favorably.
Antiochus III was later defeated by the Romans and required to pay
taxes. The burden fell upon
those people in his empire who were forced to furnish the gold for these
taxes. The Jews in Israel took a great part of this burden.
Antiochus died and his son Seleucus IV took over, and further
oppressed the Jews.
Jewish Hellenists, Greek - Syrian Influence
was a new group of Jews who called themselves Hellenists. These Hellenists
accepted idol-worship and the Syrian way of life.
Yochanan ha’Cohan Gadol, the High Priest, recognized this
Syrian-Greek influence as a danger to the nation of Israel. The
infiltration of Syrian-Greek idol-worship
and the Syrian way of life could influence the Jews away from Ha’Shem
(G-d). It was mandatory to work to keep the Jewish people from
giving up their faith in G-d and accept the idol-worship of the Syrians.
was therefore opposed to any attempt on the part of the Jewish Hellenists
to introduce Greek and Syrian customs into the land. The Hellenists hated
Yochanon and told the King’s commissioner that in the treasury of the
Temple there was a great deal of wealth.
temple treasury assets were the ½ shekel given by each Jew each year to
support the sacrifices and maintain the temple. The orphan’s endowment
was also maintained in the Temple treasury.
needed money in order to pay the Roman tax. He sent his minister Helyodros
to take the money from the treasury of the Temple. Yochanan told Helyodros
not to defile the temple by entering it unclean.
Helyodros did not listen and entered the gate of the Temple.
Suddenly, he became pale with fright. The next moment he fainted and fell
to the ground. After
Helyodros came to, he did not dare enter again.
madman & the gods’ beloved - Antiochus
short time later, Seleucus was killed and his brother Antiochus IV began
to reign over Syria (in 3586 - 174 B.C.E.). He was a tyrant and am man of
an evil heart. He was called "Epiphanes," meaning "the
gods’ beloved." Polebius,
a historian of this time, gave him the title Epimanes
to unify his kingdom through the medium of a common religion and culture,
Antiochus tried to root out the individualism of the Jews by suppressing
all the Jewish Laws. There
was a start of restrictions on Torah Study, circumcision, and Shabbis
worship. He
removed the righteous High Priest, Yochanan, from the Temple in Jerusalem,
and in his place installed Yochanan’s brother Joshua, who loved to call
himself by the Greek name of Jason. He
was a member of the Hellenist religion, and he used his high office to
spread more and more of the Greek customs among from the priesthood to the
or Jason was later replaced Menelaus, who promised to bring in more money
for the king. The king needed
funds for a war he was fighting against Egypt.
Yochanan, the former High Priest, protested against the spread of
the Hellenists’ influence in the Holy Temple, Menelaus the High Priest
hired murderers to assassinate him.
was at that time engaged in a successful war against Egypt. But messengers
from Rome arrived and commanded him to stop the war, and he had to yield.
Meanwhile, in Jerusalem, a rumor spread that a serious accident, had
befallen Antiochus IV. Thinking that Antiochus
IV was dead, the people
rebelled against Menelaus.
IV returned from Egypt enraged by by the news of this revolt against his
appointed Temple priest. When
he heard about the rebellion in Jerusalem, he ordered his army to attack
the Jews. Thousands of Jews
were killed. Antiochus then
enacted a series of harsh decrees against the Jews. Jewish worship was
forbidden; the scrolls of the Law were confiscated and burned. Sabbath
rest, circumcision and the dietary laws were prohibited under penalty of
death. Even one of the
respected elders of that generation, Rabbi Eliezer, a man of 90, was
ordered by the servants of Antiochus to eat pork so that others would do
the same. When he refused
they suggested to him that he pick up the meat to his lips to appear to be
eating. But Rabbi Eliezer
refused to do even that and was put to death.
Thousands of Jews lost their lives. The famous story of Hannah and
her seven children was during this time period.
men went from town to town forcing the inhabitants to worship pagan gods.
In the hills of the Judean hills was one last refuge.
The Syrians pursued the faithful Jews, and many a Jew died a
martyr’s death.
a man of G-d took a stand.
day the henchmen of Antiochus arrived in the village of Modin where
Mattityahu, the old priest, lived. The Syrian officer built an altar in
the marketplace of the village and demanded that Mattityahu offer
sacrifices to the Greek gods. Mattityahu replied, "I, my sons and my
brothers are determined to remain loyal to the covenant which our G-d made
with our ancestors!"
a Hellenistic Jew approached the altar to offer a sacrifice. Mattityahu
grabbed his sword and killed him, and his sons and friends fell upon the
Syrian officers and men. They killed many of them and chased the rest
away. They then destroyed the altar.
knew that Antiochus would be enraged when he heard what had happened. He
would certainly send an expedition to punish him and his followers. Mattityahu, therefore, left the village of Modin and fled
together with his sons and friends to the hills of Judea.
loyal and courageous Jews joined them. They formed legions and from time
to time they left their hiding places to fall upon enemy detachments and
outposts, and to destroy the pagan altars that were built by order of
his death, Mattityahu urged them to continue to fight in defense of G-d’s
Torah and the L-rd G-d of Abraham. He asked them to follow the counsel of
their brother Shimon the Wise. Yehuda the Strong lead them in waging
warfare. Yehuda was called "Maccabee," a word composed of the
initial letters of the four Hebrew words Mi Kamocha Bo’eilim Adonai,
"Who is like Thee, O L-rd Thy G-d." This word also can
mean Hammer.
sent his General Apolonius to wipe out Yehuda and his followers, the
Maccabees. Although outnumbered by the Syrians, the Maccabees defeated the
Syrians. Antiochus sent out another expedition which also was defeated. He
realized that only by sending a powerful army could he hope to defeat
Yehuda and his fighting men. An
army consisting of more than 40,000 men swept the land under the
leadership of two commanders, Nicanor and Gorgiash. When Yehuda and his
brothers heard of that, they exclaimed: "Let us fight unto death in
defense of our souls and our Temple!" The people assembled in Mitzpah,
where Samuel, the prophet of old, had offered prayers to G-d.
After several battles Yehuda and his brothers defeated the Syrians.
Maccabees returned to Jerusalem to liberate the Temple. After entering the
Temple they cleansed it of the idols placed there by the Syrians and the Hellenists.
They built a new altar, which he dedicated on the twenty-fifth of the
month of Kislev, in the year 3622 (165 BCE).
Judah the Maccabee and his followers
reclaimed the temple in the village of Modi'in from Syrian King Antiochus
IV. The temple was cleansed and prepared for rededication. The Hebrew word
Hanukkah means "dedication." When the sacred temple Menorah
(lamp stand) was relit, there was only enough kosher oil to burn for one
day. Yet, according to tradition, the oil miraculously lasted eight days
until more purified oil could be found.
golden lamp stand (ha’Menorah) had been stolen by the Syrians.
The Maccabees made a new Menorah out of materials on hand.
The Syrians had taken all of the gold Temple instruments and
filaturies. They searched the Temple and found one vial of olive oil
marked as sealed kosher by Yochanan ha’Cohanim Gadol.
There was only enough oil for one day. By a miracle of G-d, it
continued to burn for eight days, till new oil was made available and
sealed as kosher. That miracle proved that G-d had again taken His people
under His protection. In memory of this, our sages appointed these eight
days for annual thanksgiving and for lighting candles.
feast of dedication was a seven day event, 2 Chronicles 7:7-10.
G-d made the light for eight days at this time of re-dedication.
As the One Who created all things He is the Supply and the Fuel that
creates the light. Genesis 1:3 - 1 John 1:5 - John 8:12 - Ephesians
This year (5767 / 2006-2007) Chanukah begins on
December 16, and ends on December 23, 2006 (on the 25th day of the month
of Kislev). On the evening before each one of the days, the corresponding
number of Chanukah candles are lit.
verses Referencing Chanukah & The Light
Is Light:
Genesis 1:1-4
In the beginning G-d created the heavens and the earth. 2 The earth
was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep, and
the Spirit of G-d was moving over the surface of the waters. 3 Then G-d said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. 4
G-d saw that
the light was good; and G-d separated the light from the darkness.
1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,
that G-d is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
John 8:12
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the
world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the
Light of life. NASU
Ephesians 5:6-10
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these
things the wrath of G-d comes upon the sons of disobedience. 7 Therefore
do not be partakers with them; 8
for you were formerly darkness, but now you are Light in the L-rd; walk as
children of Light 9(for the fruit of the Light consists in all goodness
and righteousness and truth), 10
trying to learn what is pleasing to the L-rd.
The Feast of Dedication
2 Chronicles 7:7-10
So Solomon observed the feast at that time for seven days, and
all Israel with him, a very great assembly who came from the entrance of
Hamath to the brook of Egypt. 9
On the eighth day they held a solemn assembly, for the dedication of the
altar they observed seven days and the feast seven days.
10 Then on the twenty-third day of the seventh month he sent the
people to their tents, rejoicing and happy of heart because of the
goodness that the L-rd had shown to David and to Solomon and to His people
Ezra 6:14-18
And the elders of the Jews were successful in building through the
prophesying of Haggai the prophet and Zechariah the son of Iddo. And they
finished building according to the command of the G-d of Israel and the
decree of Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes king of Persia.
15 This temple was completed on the third day of the month Adar; it
was the sixth year of the reign of King Darius. 16 And the sons of Israel, the priests, the Levites and the
rest of the exiles, celebrated the dedication of this house of G-d with
joy. 17 They offered for the
dedication of this temple of G-d 100 bulls, 200 rams, 400 lambs, and as a
sin offering for all Israel 12 male goats, corresponding to the number of
the tribes of Israel. 18 Then
they appointed the priests to their divisions and the Levites in their
orders for the service of G-d in Jerusalem, as it is written in the book
of Moses.
John 10:22-30
At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem;
23 it was winter, and Jesus was walking in the temple in the
portico of Solomon. 24 The
Jews then gathered around Him, and were saying to Him, "How long will
You keep us in suspense? If You are the Christ, tell us plainly."
25 Jesus answered them, "I told you, and you do not believe;
the works that I do in My Father's name, these testify of Me.
26 "But you do not believe because you are not of My sheep. 27 "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they
follow Me; 28 and I give
eternal life to them, and they will never perish; and no one will snatch
them out of My hand. 29
"My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one
is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
30 "I and the Father are one.
of Lights
Do not be deceived, my beloved brethren.
17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above,
coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or
shifting shadow. 18 In the
exercise of His will He brought us forth by the word of truth, so that we
would be a kind of first fruits among His creatures.
Then you shall make a lampstand of pure gold. The lampstand
and its base and its shaft are to be made of hammered work; its cups, its
bulbs and its flowers shall be of one piece with it.
32 "Six branches shall go out from its sides; three branches
of the lampstand from its one side and three branches of the lampstand
from its other side. 33
"Three cups shall be shaped like almond blossoms in the one branch, a
bulb and a flower, and three cups shaped like almond blossoms in the other
branch, a bulb and a flower -- so for six branches going out from the
lampstand; 34 and in the
lampstand four cups shaped like almond blossoms, its bulbs and its
flowers. 35 "A bulb
shall be under the first pair of branches coming out of it, and a bulb
under the second pair of branches coming out of it, and a bulb under the
third pair of branches coming out of it, for the six branches coming out
of the lampstand. 36
"Their bulbs and their branches shall be of one piece with it; all of
it shall be one piece of hammered work of pure gold.
37 "Then you shall make its lamps seven in number; and they
shall mount its lamps so as to shed light on the space in front of it.
38 "Its snuffers and their trays shall be of pure gold.
39 "It shall be made from a talent of pure gold, with all
these utensils. 40 "See
that you make them after the pattern for them, which was shown to you on
the mountain. NASU
You shall set the table outside the veil, and the lampstand
opposite the table on the side of the tabernacle toward the south; and you
shall put the table on the north side.
Now even the first covenant had regulations of divine worship and
the earthly sanctuary. 2 For
there was a tabernacle prepared, the outer one, in which were the
lampstand and the table and the sacred bread; this is called the holy
place. 3 Behind the second
veil there was a tabernacle which is called the Holy of Holies, 4 having a
golden altar of incense and the ark of the covenant covered on all sides
with gold, in which was a golden jar holding the manna, and Aaron's rod
which budded, and the tables of the covenant;
5 and above it were the cherubim of glory overshadowing the mercy
seat; but of these things we cannot now speak in detail.
Translations of the old text.
ho Theos
(That or He
or The) G-d Light is
Chanukah Menorah
7 days to completion
The 8th day represents
There are 9 candles or lamps on a Hanukkah
The 9th candle is the shamis
(the serving one).
The Golden Lampstand of The Tabernacle
There are 7 lamps on the golden lamp stand
in the tabernacle. The Chanukah Menorah has 9 candles, one being the
Shamis (The Servant)
is light and He illustrates this to us in His word.
is an interesting factor to take into consideration about this feast of
Chanukah. This is an extra-Biblical feast. This is not one of
the mandatory feasts of G-d that are mandated to the Jewish people, in the
Tanach. This feast is in remembrance of a miracle that G-d made
the Jews were able to take a stand and win back the nation and the Temple of G-d from the
pagan Syrians, who required pagan idol worship. They were able to win a war against an army of
greater number and superior training. The goal was to stop the
requirement to worship a pagan idol under force by the Syrians.
G-d illustrated His supply in the olive oil. A measure of oil that
should have lasted for one day lasted for eight days.
and Light are two important elements in relationship to Ha'Shem
(G-d). Oil represents the Ruach ha'Kodesh (The Holy
Spirit) The anointing with oil represents the Ruach ha'Kodesh poring
down on someone. The Ruach ha'Kodesh is fuel for the Light in the
Temple. G-d created Light and saw that it was good. G-d is
Light. Darkness is the absence of Light. If Light is present
then G-d is making His presence known.
supplied the Ruach ha'Kodesh to bring Light to the Temple. He did
this to let
everyone know that it was He Who did it. He made the oil burn for eight
days. He again reminds us how important the Light is to
Light of the world is the Son. The Son is one with the Father.
Malachi 3:20 or
4:2 But
for you who fear My name, the sun (Shemish)
of righteousness will rise
with healing in His wings; and you will go forth and skip about like
calves from the stall.
believe that G-d is not speaking here about the Shemish (Sun) in the
sky. He is speaking about the Light of the world, His Son,
Yeshua. We do not pray to the sun. The sun cannot come to earth
with wings. The sun is a burning ball of G-d's creation, fanned by
the Ruach, and it illuminates the world. The Son that G-d is speaking
about is Yeshua, His Son.
and only G-d brought victory to Israel by His supply to the
Maccabees. One man stood up for G-d and the nation was saved from
spiritual death
in idolatry.
Baruch Ha'Shem Yeshua
1 John 1:5
This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you,
that G-d is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.
the spirit of man that is within you filled with Light? If you are
not sure, ask Ha'Shem (G-d) to tell you if Yeshua (Jesus) is the Truth,
Light, Life and Salvation. Ha'Shem never lies. He answers
prayer. When He tells you don't argue, just ask Him to fill you with
the Light of the world. Yeshua et Adonai.
John 8:12
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, "I am the Light of the
world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the
Light of life. NASU
healthy, be safe, be healed, be blessed. Be found in Yeshua
Some Chanukah
are three Brachos (blessings) which are recited when the Chanukah candles
are lit.
- "Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech
ha'olam, Asher kid'shanu b'mitzvosav v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner shel
Blessed are You, Hashem
our G-d, King of the universe, Who has sanctified us with His
commandments, and has commanded us to Kindle the Chanukah light.
- "Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech
ha'olam, She'asah nisim la'avoseinu, bayamim ha'hem baz'man hazeh"
Blessed are You, Hashem
our G-d, King of the universe, Who has wrought miracles for our
forefathers, in those days at this season.
- Recited on the first night only
"Baruch ata Ado-nai, Elo-heinu Melech ha'olam, She'hecheyanu,
vekiyemanu vehigi'anu laz'man hazeh"
Blessed are You, Hashem
our G-d, King of the universe, Who has kept us alive, sustained us, and
brought us to this season.
reciting the blessings and lighting the candles, the following paragraphs
should recited or sung.
halalu anachnu madlikin al hanisim ve'al hanifla'os, ve'al hat'shu'os
ve'al hamilchamos, sh'asisa la'avoseinu bayamim hahem baz'man hazeh, al
yedei kohaneicha hakedoshim. Vechol sh'monas yemei Chanukah, haneiros
halalu kodesh hem. Ve'ein lanu reshus le'hishtamesh ba'hem, eh'la lir'osam
bilvad, ke'dei le'hodos u'lehalel leshimcha hagadol al nisecha ve'al
nifle'osecha ve'al yeshu'oshecha."
lights we kindle upon the miracles, the wonders, the salvations, and the
battles which you performed for our forefathers in those days at this
season through Your holy priests. During all eight days of Chanukah these
lights are sacred, and we are not permitted to make ordinary use of them,
but to look at them in order to express thanks and praise to Your great
Name for Your miracles, Your wonders and Your salvations.
"Ma'oz tzur yeshu'asi
Lecha na'eh leshabe'ach
Tikone bais tefilasi
Ve'sham todah nezabe'ach
Le'es Tachin Mabe'ach
Mitzar ham'nabe'ach
Az egmor beshir mizmor
Chanukas hamizbe'ach."
O mighty Rock of my
to praise You is a delight.
Restore my house of prayer
and there we will bring a thanksgiving offering.
When You will have prepared the slaughter
for the blaspheming foe,
Then I shall complete with a song of hymn
the dedication of the Alter.
- The Dedication The Story & A Study" First Published
In 2000

on the above link for a good article on Chanukah
Games for the Kids.
on the above logo
--- Hear
is worthy of all honor glory and praise
Compiled by:

out the below SBMF recommended Messianic ministries for details of .
Members Ministries, Congregations and Worship Service Information
Adat Shalom
Beth HaShem
Avraham Messianic Congregation
Christian - Jewish Unity
Riverside County area of
Southern California
Beth Chaim
Eternal Life Style Ministries
El Shaddai
Avraham Messianic Fellowship
Hope of David
Side of Atlanta, GA.
Hope of Israel
Side of Atlanta, GA.
Kol Dodi
Side of Central Nashville, TN.
Princeton, WV
Detroit, MI.
Of Blessing
Greensboro, NC
Shomreem Ministries
Lindenhurst, IL.
Institute Of Jewish Studies
A Ministry Of
Criswell College
Dallas, TX.
Some of the above web sites have SBMF
members attending or associated with those ministries. Some of these above
ministries are not directly members as a congregation or ministry. The
member of those ministries may be a member of the SBMF.
Not all of our affiliated Messianic congregations or our member's
ministries have web sites. Some of our members have not yet
requested us to post links to their web sites. If you are a member
of the SBMF and would like a link to your web site posted and linked,
please contact us at the SBMF.
Our intention is to support our SBMF
members in their ministries.

L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, And be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, And give you peace. [NASU Numbers
Be safe, be healthy, be blessed, be found in
Sameach / Chanukah Tov / Yom Yeshua Tov / Lashanah Tovah

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