Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
News Updated February 22, 2010
Shalom to all.
“The grace of the Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the love of
Elohim, and the fellowship of the Ruach HaKodesh, be with you
We pray that your Pesach was good. We have
received several reports of Pesach Seders where G-d moved in powerful
Message & Ministry news from your SBMF President, Mike Saffle
Brothers and Sisters in Messiah Yeshua,
It is my pleasure to greet you in the Lord Yeshua. My name is Michael
Saffle and I am honored to serve you as the president of the SBMF. I am
looking forward to all that HaShem will do this year in the ministry. We
are continuing to see the L-rd at work in the Ministries of the SBMF.
I am pleased to announce that the plans for the 2010 SBMF conference are
coming together nicely. The annual meeting will be held in Orlando Florida
on June 11th & 12th, 2010. Our worship team will be international
recording artist Zemer Levav. Zemer Levav consists of Mark and
Shimrit Hanes and their five daughters. They have recorded and
published two CDs and are working on a third. Zemer will be leading our worship
service on Friday and perform in a mini-concert. They will also be
providing worship sets throughout the day on Saturday. They plan
to perform their original music but also to lead us with some old familiar
messianic favorites. I am sure you will be blessed.
Our speakers will be H. B. London and Bruce Mills. H. B. London is
the leader of Focus on the Family's Pastor to Pastor Ministry.
H. B. will be sharing with us about knowing God’s plan for our
ministry and will be encouraging those of us who are striving
and thriving in the trenches. Bruce Mills is the founding
Deacon of Jerusalem Baptist Church and will be sharing with us about God’s
plan for evangelism. He will challenge us as we share the Truth of
the Gospel of Messiah with those who have not trusted in Him, by
reaching out to our Israeli family.
I am excited about this conference, especially considering we will be celebrating
the 20th anniversary of the SBMF. We are working on a youth track and
on something for the kids. I hope that this year will be a time of
encouragement and bridge building within the fellowship. It is time
for us to put away all that so easily besets us and run with
endurance the race set before us.
Another exciting development is that once again NAMB will be sponsoring
an SBMF booth at the SBC Convention the following week in Orlando.
This means we will be able to share our ministries with other ministry
leaders and messengers. I hope that this news excites you as much as
it does me!
I am asking all ministries, ministry leaders, members and those who are
encouraged by the ministry of the SBMF to help us to raise the funds
to cover the expenses for the booth and the SBMF Conference. We estimate
that we will need about $5,000.00, to meet the expenses of these two
events. Please pray about helping to support this effort. I
challenge each congregation and ministry to give $250.00 toward this effort.
That is a small amount, considering the number of missions we have in
the Fellowship. That amount would allow us to fund the booth and the
necessary printing and advertisements we need to provide to the SBC.
Please pray and consider giving to the booth fund. HaShem, Himself
has given us this opportunity.
In closing, May the Lord Bless you and keep you as you serve in Spirit and
Your fellow servant,
Michael Saffle
news from Congregational Leader Jeff Dumont Congregation Beth Yeshua
Beth Yeshua has moved and changed their name to Lion of Judah Messianic
of Judah Messianic Congregation
7645 Houston Rd. Byron, Georgia 31008
Phone: 478-334-5493
news from Congregational Leader Lewis
Gillilan of Beit Shomrim, in Longview, TX.
am pleased to announce that our web site is now up and open for use.
It is:
meet in the Fellowship Hall at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
1300 Judson Road
Longview, TX
News from Brother Steve Kaplan Jewish Outreach International.
Outreach International, PO Box 720375, Atlanta, Georgia 30328
HIS NAME!-HAPPY NEW YEAR! God bless you and your
family! Thank you for supporting our ministry. Please pray
for BOLDED newsletter items and our MINISTRY in general. Please
pray for our Tuesday Night Bible Study FELLOWSHIPS and Thursday Mall
OUTREACHES. Please pray for a FAMILY Bat Mitzvah in Bradenton, FL
Jan 16 and I will share testimony at a SENIORS’ home in Roswell, GA Jan
24. I am writing a BOOK about my testimony and our ministry
testimonies. Please pray for God’s hand to be on it!
AND LURA BECKFORD-Please continue to pray for EDDIE and
LURA, here’s an update from them: “We were supposed to have
court today, but the prosecutor asked for more time. Next court date is
Jan. 18 - this means the prosecutor is two months late in getting her
summation to the Judge. Our lawyer can do nothing until she does that.
More postponement means more house arrest. We are having a difficult time
getting out to look at houses and we need to move by February, since we
are coming back to the USA for a tour in March. Another case was
postponed until next October because the Judge is pregnant and won't
return to work until then. The Lord will work it out; He always does!
We have been distributing Arabic and Russian Calendars with Bible verses
on them. We are looking for ways to advertise the Community Center for
Arad; it will be the largest outreach in southern Israel! The Lord set it
up so we would have an in-depth discussion with a Sudanese about inviting
Y'shua into his heart & Life! He is seriously considering it! We
can't get out much because of the house arrest, but the Lord uses the
time wisely! We’re looking for a reliable house sitter for 6
months; Pray for it!”
BIBLE FELLOWSHIP-INA (Jewish non-believer widow) we
minister to came and stayed one night! She is going through trials
and tribulations and would benefit greatly from your prayers. LEE,
our regular Bible study teacher was out of town, TIM (his replacement)
got sick and I was sick. 11 year old SIMEON (Jewish believer)
offered to teach on the Book of the Revelation and did an awesome job!
MIKE (Jewish believer) had a relapse and is in a drug rehabilitation
program. Please pray for him to follow Jesus.
MALL OUTREACHES-AJ (Jewish Believer) ran up to me at
the mall. She attends a Messianic Congregation, was offended my
t-shirt says Jesus rather then Y’shua and made a negative comment to me
over a year ago. She said she had recently thought about me because
she wanted to apologize, and then I walked by.
ATLANTA-I had lots of divine appointments in various
stores and restaurants around Atlanta last month. STEVE (Jewish
man) asked about my “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt and told me he was in a
car accident and came to faith! He‘s new to Atlanta, and said he
might come over one Tuesday night. I ran into RONNIE again.
He’s the hostile Jewish man who gets upset whenever he sees my t-shirt.
This time it was where he worked and he had to help me. We had a
longer conversation this time. He even took a tract but later told
me even though he looked at our website, he threw the tract away?
He’s says, “They are trying to kill the Jews, why would you help
them?” I ran into RYAN (Jewish non-believer) who used to live on
the next street. He thinks he can have forgiveness of sins by doing
good deeds? ERIC (Jewish non-believer) is the host at a
restaurant and told me he likes my t-shirt. He’s seen me lots of
times, but this was the first time he said something. It turns out
his PARENTS are believers, and he was open enough to take a Gospel tract
while the Cohen FAMILY of eight walked by and noticed my t-shirt! I
walked into a restaurant and gave my name to the hostess. I noticed
GARY and EVA (Jewish non-believers I have a very long history with and
run into periodically) sitting at a table with three other obviously
Jewish COUPLES. One by one they all turned around to look at my
I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at all!
Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the
Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means riches
for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much
greater riches will their fullness bring!”-Romans 11:11-12
SPRINGS CALIFORNIA-STEVE, a Jewish believer from
Oregon, sat next to me at the Atlanta Airport, invited me to the Red
Carpet Club at the Denver Airport, before we caught our respective
flights, and we had a great time of fellowship! My friend STEVE
BABKOW pastors two Messianic CONGREGATIONS in the Palm Springs area and
invites me out for the Festival of Lights Parade in downtown Palm
Springs. I spoke at the congregations on Friday night and Saturday
morning. They have a float in the parade and some of his people
wear “Jesus Loves You” Jewish star t-shirts. I get there early
and distribute Gospel tracts down one side of the parade route and then
walk behind the float and distribute Gospel tracts up the other side of
the parade route. I gave out about 2,000 Gospel tracts and shared
with a Polish Jewish man named JOSEPH. He saw my t-shirt and was
all excited and said, “I Jew too!” On Sunday, I distributed
Gospel tracts at the Tamale Festival in Indio. On Monday, DAVID
CHAGALL interviewed me for his television program, “The Last Hour”.
When I got to the Palm Springs Airport, they said there was fog and no
planes could come in? Thankfully, a flight to San Francisco was
delayed (I was booked on a later flight to San Francisco) and I was able
to get on that flight which was the last plane out of Palm Springs!
While in the San Francisco Airport, I distributed Gospel tracts. I
wasn’t sure of the rules (you can at LAX), but figured they would stop
me and they did. You need a permit. Nevertheless, I spent a
long time sharing with a MAN from Bosnia, gave out several tracts and
challenged MANY with my t-shirt! I arrived in Chicago just before a
blizzard and got one of the last flights out to Atlanta! Although I
flew from Atlanta to Denver to Palm Springs to San Francisco to Chicago
to Atlanta, I used frequent flyer miles and it only cost $10, and I was
able to show off my “Jesus Loves You” t-shirt in all those airports!
GIFT BAGS-We went to 12 malls and gave 71 Hanukkah Gift
Bags to ISRAELIS working at malls during Hanukkah! The bags were
purchased at a Judaica store and said “Happy Hanukkah”. We put
a Hebrew Gospel tract, an English Gospel tract and assorted candy in each
bag. They get excited by my “Jesus Loves You” Jewish star
t-shirt, and we greet them with “Hannukah Sameach” (Happy Hanukkah in
Hebrew). My Outreach Pastor BEN and my friend TODD (Jewish
believer) came with me during the week. We had a variety of
reactions and shared with many. Some didn’t want it? One
wanted a t-shirt, one was from Arad (we were both excited), one said they
would come to church, one said they never heard of Jesus before and one
said we were so sweet and thanked us for remembering them again this
year! Although this is an awesome outreach, there is some gray area
about distributing things at a mall, and we did have security watch us at
one of the malls. Another effective way to reach out to Israelis is
by sharing one on one with them. MARY in South Carolina wrote:
“Hi, Steve. I had the privilege of witnessing to a Jewish person
in the shopping mall a few days ago. He was selling something down
the center of the hallway and gave me a sample of his product. We
got to talking. He was not a Christian, but I started talking about
what Jesus meant to me. I asked him if he knew where he would go
when he died, and told him he could know for sure about heaven. We
ended up praying together right there in the mall. He repeated the
sinner’s prayer after me. Then he told me he felt different
inside and had a happy feeling. I trust that God has and is,
working in his life. Have a wonderful Christmas!”
INSTANT MESSAGES-I have 95 Jewish non-believers on my
Internet buddy list so I can send them instant messages. I initiate
messages, but they don’t always respond? I sent “Happy Haunkkah”
messages, and this opened conversations with ALAN in San Francisco, JOAN
in New York and STEVEN in Boston!
in Washington wrote: “I rarely ever go out
wearing a JESUS LOVES YOU T shirt or sweat shirt that I do not get some
positive comment which opens up an opportunity to witness !!!”
donations, payable to Jewish Outreach International
and designated for Steve Kaplan, can be sent to:
Jewish Outreach International
PO Box 720375
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
News from our sister in Russia
vision is to see Russian Jews gathered into vibrant Messianic
congregations being a light to the nations.
updates for week ending Feb. 26th
Thanks for praying for our ladies Bible study. This week we were
able to download and watch Beth Moore's teaching and have started doing
our homework. It is a wonderful study and I can see that God is
already using it to transform me more and more into His image.
It looks like I will have several opportunities to celebrate Passover next
month. I will probably be involved in leading and coordinating 3
Passover seders (holiday celebrations) in 3 different locations and I have
been asked to lead a time of prayer for the Jews at a Missions school.
I am very excited about all of these opportunities. Please
pray that I will have the time that I need to get these organized for
these events and most importantly that they will be used by Him to draw
many people into His kingdom.
Yesterday, Friday Feb. 19th, I go together for lunch with one of my
colleagues who is working here in Novosibirsk. We had fun eating
pizza, talking and watching some of the Olympics. She is going to be
returning to the States in 2 months as her term of service is ending so I
am grateful to be able to spend time with her before she leaves.
Throughout the month of January and into February we have had record
low temperatures. However this week it finally got above zero and
almost up to 30F. A heat wave. The temperatures went back
below zero yesterday and are supposed to stay cold for several more days
but I am thankful for the break we had and hoping that this will be the
last blast of really cold weather before we move towards spring.
The big news in our household is that Dodi, my Persian cat, got her
hair cut yesterday. I found a groomer that was willing to come to me
and she did a great job. Dodi seems much more comfortable and she
looks so cute. Don't worry that she will freeze in these cold temps.
My apartment is very hot and she doesn't go outside so I think she
will be just fine.
People from my English club are coming over today to bake Purim
cookies. Please pray that God will bring those that He wants to come
and that we will have an opportunity to engage them in spiritual
Next Saturday, Feb. 27th, Zoya, Irena and I will be hosting a Purim
celebration in Berdsk. I have not had time to meet with Zoya and
hear about her plans, etc. Please pray that we will find time to
meet together to discuss this and other plans. She has sent out
letters inviting people to the celebration. Please pray that many
will come. Last time we doubled our turn out, from 3 for Jewish New
Year to 6 for Hanukkah. Please pray that he will double our numbers
again this time and that 12 Jewish people will attend and that they will
be people who have hearts that are open to God.
My team mate Donna, who lives in Moscow, is busy with preparations for
English camp which will happen in July. Erin and I will be
participating in it and I hope that my team mates in Israel will be able
to come as well. Please pray for Donna as she does her initial
preparations. This is a very big task and can be overwhelming at
times. Please pray that God will provide the resources that we need
in order for all of us to be able to participate in this event.
so much for your prayers. I pray that you have a very blessed week.
for week ending February 19, 2010
Thanks for your prayers for the visit that Zoya and I had with
Arcadia, the blind man that we gave the cane too. He was very
pleased to get the cane and also to have visitors. He is without any
family at all but seems comfortable with his life. We had a chance
to share about our faith but didn't get a chance to clearly hear where he
is on his faith walk. We did offer to find him a Bible on CD
and he seemed pleased about that. Please pray that the truth we
spoke to him will impact his life and that his eyes would be open to his
This week English club met at my house since Erin had another
commitment that evening. We celebrated Valentine's Day and I gave
each of them a Scripture verse about love, in English. They were all
anxious to look up their verses in a Russian Bible to be able to
understand them. Please pray that these verses will start them
thinking about the love that God has for them. Please continue to
pray that we will be able to have spiritual conversations with them and
that many of them would come to faith.
On Monday night we planned to start our Ladies Bible study for the IMB
ladies serving here. We will be studying Beth Moore's book Breaking
Free. Unfortunately we were not able to download the teaching so we
had a time of prayer instead. It was great to be back together
again. Please pray that God will teach us much as we study His Word
I am planning on attending a conference in Poland in April and am having
some problems with coordinating all the details. Please pray that I
will be able to get all of the details sorted out this week. I am
very excited at the thought of reconnecting with some friends while I am
Next Saturday, Feb. 20th, I have invited the members of my English club to
come over to my house for a baking day. We will be baking a special
cookie that people eat on Purim (coming up Feb. 28). Please pray
that there will be a good turn out for this event and that this more
informal setting will be a good time to get to know people better.
On Feb. 27th Zoya, Irena and I will be hosting a Purim celebration
in Berdsk, where we have celebrated Rosh Hashana and Hanukkah. Please
pray that as we make plans and visit people before the celebration that
God will prepare people's hearts to come and hear the message of salvation
that comes through their Messiah.
I pray that
each of you experience the great love of our Lord on Valentine's Day.
I love you all and thank God for your support of me and the ministry
here in Novosibirsk.
How great is
the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children
of God! And that is what we are! 1 John 3:1
Newsletter for week ending Feb 12, 2010
After a month of traveling in the Middle East I arrived home on Sunday,
Jan. 31st. It is wonderful to be home again in spite of the bitterly
cold weather that we have been having since the first part of January.
My cats were glad to see me although Dodi still is keeping an eye
out for Natasha the cat sitter to come back. I guess that they truly
My time in the Middle East was wonderful. I flew into Israel and
spent a few days in Eilat with my supervisor and his family and another
family who serve in Argentina. The weather was sunny and warm and
the fellowship was great. We got to see a model of the Tabernacle in
the wilderness which was really amazing. After a few days in Israel
we crossed over to Jordan and spent 3 1/2 weeks in training in Amman.
There were 5 families who participated in the training-3 who are
working with Jews and 2 who are working with Muslims. This was the
first time in their history of doing these conferences when Jewish workers
outnumbered Muslim workers. We really had a great time of
fellowship, learning, exchanging ideas, etc, etc. I also got to
enjoy some American restaurants and even saw a movie in English.
Coming from Novosibirsk that was a real treat for me. The
weather was very pleasant the first few weeks we were there but turned
cool and rainy the last week or so (although still balmy compared to
Siberia). By far the highlight of my time in Jordan was getting to
know my colleagues who serve in many different places in the world.
I once again was amazed at the really great people that I am blessed
to count as my colleagues. Although the conference itself was very
intense (8 hours a day 5 days a week) I did manage to get in a trip to
Petra, which is an ancient city built into beautiful red rocks. If
you have seen the movie Indian Jones and the Last Crusade than you have
seen Petra. We took a really rugged trail down the mountain and I
was sure that I wouldn't make it but I did. If you want to see a
picture of me navigating some of these steep cliffs let me know and I'll
send one your way. After the conference was over I went back to
Israel for a few days. I had a really good time with my team mates
who live in Israel. They took me to Jerusalem one day and another
day I got to meet a family who recently moved to Israel from France.
I had met them on Skype but was glad to get to meet them in person.
Thanks so much for your prayers for me during this past month.
God truly did hear and answer them in amazing ways.
Since arriving back in Novosibirsk I have met with one lady from my
English club for tea and also had one meeting of our English club.
It was great to reconnect with them again. Our numbers for
English club were a bit down this week. Please pray that those who
were coming last year will return and that some new people will come as
well. Also please pray for Tamara, whose daughter and family live in
Israel. I got to know her better when she came over for tea and I
again was struck at how desperately they all need to know the Lord.
Please pray that the next time we meet I will have the chance to
share the Gospel with her.
Last night, Feb. 4th, the team that lives here in Novosibirsk got together
to celebrate Rachel L's 16th birthday. Several of our team members
were sick and not able to come but it was really fun to see everyone again
and to catch up on the latest news from Novosibirsk. Rachel's dad,
Andy is traveling to Kiev today and will be gone for 10 days or so.
Please pray for his time away and for the rest of the family as they
are here without him. Also please pray for a quick recovery for
those on the team who are sick.
Tomorrow, Feb. 6th, my colleague Zoya and I will be going to visit a
Jewish man who is blind and requested that I buy him a cane in the US
since they are not available here. I found one on the internet and
my brother sent it to me. Tomorrow we will bring him the cane.
Please pray that this gift will open up the opportunity for us to
share our faith with him. Please pray that Arkadia's spiritual eyes
will be open to the truth that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.
Since returning to Novosibirsk I have been rather overwhelmed with all
that I need to get done. I have lots of ideas and plans for future
ministry and really need God's wisdom about how to best use my time.
I also have realized that it is important for me to have regular
times of rest also. Please pray that I will find that balance and be
able to glorify God with all my being, each day.
One of my colleagues, David, who was participating in the training in
Amman, had to leave before the training was over because his mother passed
away. Please pray for him and his family during this time of
you so much for holding the ropes for me. I could not do what I do
without your prayers. May God bless each of you richly today.
the Lamb,
news from Jay Isbell at Beth El Shaddai, in Bessemer, AL.
Beth El
Shaddai is hosting a Mid-Rash study over the internet each Monday evening.
This web study is moth in text and voice over the internet.
As soon as we have the details, we will post them on this page.
Night Midrash is "Online" - to access the room please
contact us via email at:
more info please go to:
News from Amy Downey at Tzedakah Ministries --
"To Equip His Church to Reach His People"
purpose of Tzedakah Ministries can be found in its name -- Tzedakah --
which in Hebrew means "righteousness." However, Tzedakah means
so much more. As the Holman Bible Dictionary explains, “....
righteousness is the fulfillment of the terms of a covenant between God
and humanity or between humans in the full range of human
Ministries has a burden to see the Jewish people restored to a righteous
covenant relationship with Him -- one that is only possible through
Messiah Jesus.
take a look at their web pages for further resources and information
Take a
look at her web site “Mystery Solved
with Messiah Jesus is an apologetic discussion aspect of Tzedakah
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe
all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway,
even unto the end of the world. Amen.
[Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
We believe that we are what we eat.
Eat Life from the Tree of Life. Be filled with the Light and Life of
Yeshua. Read the Word.
Blessed is he who
reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things
which are written in it; for the time is near. [Revelation 1:3
Baruch Ha’ba B’Shem
Blessed is he who
comes in the name of the L-rd! [Ps 118:26 NKJV]

L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, And be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, And give you peace. [NASU Numbers

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