Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
Updated April 6, 2007
pray that you had a Good Resurrection Day.
to all. “The grace of the Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the love of Elohim, and the fellowship of the Ruach
HaKodesh, be with you all.”
send us news, praises reports and
prayer requests from your ministries.
News - Encampment is Coming in June:
I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto
salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the
Greek. For therein is the
righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just
shall live by faith. [Rom 1:16-17 KJV]
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world. Amen. [Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
We pray that all is well with you.
G-d is so good. Be
healthy, be safe, be blessed, be found in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
The Omega Letter Intelligence Digest, By Jack
Vol: 67 Issue: 6 - Friday, April 06, 2007
Special Report: What's So Good About "Good
to Christian tradition, the Friday before Easter is called "Good
Friday" because it is the day that Jesus Christ was crucified. GOOD
can recall as a kid growing up in a Catholic school thinking it more than a
little strange that all those nuns said they loved Jesus, but celebrated the
day of His execution as a "Good" day.
as a kid, I thought the designation "Good Friday" was evidence that
they really didn't LIKE Him very much, despite their protestations of love.
My mother had passed away when I was only ten. I didn't think that the day
that she died was a 'good' day for me.
are lots of possible reasons why the day of Jesus' Crucifixion is designated
"Good" in English. One is that the word 'good' was derived from the
word "God".
word 'goodbye' came from the phrase "God be with you," so,
according to that line of thinking, "Good Friday" would have
originated from the phrase "God's Friday."
I think it is less a case of the metamorphosis of language than it is an apt
description of the Event that took place on that Friday before Passover two
thousand years ago.
execution of Jesus Christ was an event of incredible evil. He was guilty of
no infraction, violated no laws, either Mosaic or Roman civil, and His
betrayal was orchestrated, the Bible says, by Satan himself.
after the sop Satan entered into him [Judas]. Then said Jesus unto him, That
thou doest, do quickly." (John 13:27)
while the crucifixion of Jesus Christ was an act of unspeakable evil, it was
a necessary part of God's Plan for the redemption of our sin debt.
the manner in which He accomplished was a demonstration of His Power over
good and evil, using pure evil to bring about pure good.
none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not
have crucified the Lord of glory." (1st Corinthians 2:8)
why was Good Friday necessary? We've gone over this before, but not in
several years. Good Friday is the perfect day to revisit the topic. Why did
Jesus have to die?
Scripture says God's Justice demands a sacrifice, but for most Christians
contending with the skeptic, that answer is unsatisfactory.
explanation that only a sinless man was qualified to take on the sins of the
world makes sense, but it doesn't answer the nuts-and-bolts question of why
He had to die. Not fully.
answer to the nuts-and-bolts legalities is found, not in the New Testament,
but rather in the Old.
Genesis Chapter 15, we find Abram questioning God's promise that his seed
will be numbered as the stars of heaven and that they would inherit the land
to which God had led him.
15:6 says "And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for
Abram wanted a guarantee, nonetheless.
he [Abram] said, LORD God, whereby shall I know that I shall inherit
it?" (15:8)
was then that God proposed a blood covenant after the manner of the
Chaldeans. "And he [God] said unto him, [Abram] Take me an heifer of
three years old, and a she goat of three years old, and a ram of three years
old, and a turtledove, and a young pigeon."
knew what to do next. A Chaldean himself, this was something he was familiar
he took unto him all these, and divided them in the midst, and laid each
piece one against another: but the birds divided he not."
blood covenant worked this way. The animals were slaughtered and cut up. The
pieces were intermingled and then carefully arranged to form a kind of aisle
through which the two parties to the covenant would walk together, hands
principle of a blood covenant, and the symbolism of the rended animal parts
was clearly understood to Abram. Whoever broke the covenant would end up like
those piles of animals.
blood covenant was, by common custom, a joining of 2 or more persons,
families, clans, tribes, or nations, where the participants agree to do or
refrain from doing certain acts. More specifically, God had proposed a
patriarchal covenant.
patriarchal form of covenant is a self-imposed obligation of a superior
party, to the benefit of an inferior party. In this form, the terms the
parties use to refer to each other are: father and son.
proposal included not only Abram, but extended to Abram's seed forever.
3:29 makes plain that Christians are also "Abraham's seed, and heirs
according to the promise.")
summarize, Abram has just prepared a blood covenant between himself and God
in which his seed would forever be bound to God as heirs. To be an heir,
under the implied terms of the covenant, also required being faithful to the
Father. Abram understood those terms and waited for God to appear.
the picture. Abram waited, driving away the carrion eaters from his grisly
creation, waiting for God Himself to come down, join hands with Abram and
together, they would swear a blood oath. God would be the Father of Abram and
his descendents, who would then be required behave as sons to keep that
15:12 records that, as Abram waited for God, a deep sleep fell upon him.
During that deep sleep;
came to pass, that, when the sun went down, and it was dark, behold a smoking
furnace, and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces. In the same day
the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this
land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river
Euphrates:" (Genesis 15:17-18)
there's the key! While the covenant was between Abram and God, by passing
through the aisle alone, God signed the contract -- alone -- for both sides,
binding Himself to keeping both parts.
know that Abram's seed did NOT remain faithful to the covenant. And violating
the blood covenant demanded that somebody had to die. That was what justice
Apostle Paul was, before his conversion on the road to Damascus, a Pharisee,
or a religous lawyer, one well qualified to explain the law of covenant
Paul explains, "Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same
are the children of Abraham. (Galatians 3:9)
that "they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham."
also, "But that no man is justified by the law in the sight of God, it
is evident: for, The just shall live by faith." (3:11)
the covenant that God signed on behalf of Abraham, Paul explains;
"Though it be but a man's covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man
disannulleth, or addeth thereto." (3:15)
covenant could only be confirmed when the price demanded for its violation
was paid in full.
the Law was given to Moses four centuries later, it was assumed by the Jews
that to break it was to break the Abrahamic Covenant, for which the penalty
was death. Remember, somebody had to die.
since it was God Who signed on behalf of Abraham, Paul pointed out the blood
penalty required of the covenant was paid in full on Good Friday.
this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ,
the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that
it should make the promise of none effect."
did Jesus have to die? Because the covenant demanded satisfactory payment for
its violation, and no one who had broken that covenant was qualified to stand
in payment except those who signed it. Abram was long dead. And, in any case,
it was God Who signed on behalf of Abram (and his seed).
is for that reason that God stepped out of eternity and into space and time
in the Person of Jesus Christ. To keep the provisions of the original
covenant and be a true Son of Abraham, as it demanded.
having kept its terms on behalf of sinful humanity, it was incumbent upon Him
to make payment, as justice demanded, for its violation by those on whose
behalf the covenant was signed.
be torn and rended like the animals that formed the corridor through which
God alone passed.
make restitution on behalf of the seed of Abraham. You. Me. And everyone who
ever broke its provision of faithfulness. All of us.
made that payment on our behalf. On the Cross, as He gave up the ghost, Jesus
cried with a loud voice 'it is finished' (Tetelestai!) meaning, "paid in
terms of the violated Covenant were met, its price was paid by its Signer.
God's justice was fulfilled. That is why Jesus took on a human form and
allowed Himself to be crucified by His own creation. That is the reason the
Blood of Christ is so precious. Why nothing less would do.
justice demanded it. And because justice was satisfied, a lost sinner need
only accept the Pardon obtained at the Cross as full payment for his sins to
obtain eternal life. Because of Good Friday, "Whosoever shall call upon
the Name of the Lord SHALL be saved." (Romans 10:13)
sin debt was paid in full on Good Friday. The only thing now separating God
from man is human pride. Accepting by faith the pardon obtained for us at the
Cross is a humbling experience.
noted in the past that God's way is not our way, and His thoughts are not our
thoughts. Indeed, God's way is usually the exact opposite of human thinking.
Christians obtain victory by surrendering. We obtain eternal life through the
Death of Christ, but to achieve eternal life one has to first die.
Friday is the day that commemorates the greatest evil ever perpetrated in the
history of mankind. But as it turned out, it was the worst day possible for
the forces of evil. It marked the first introduction of pure good to this old
world since the Fall of Man.
was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the
chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and with His stripes WE are
healed." (Isaiah 53:5)
Easter season!
Ministry & Outreach News From
Ruth, Our Sister Missionary In Russia
vision is to see Russian Jews gathered into Messianic congregations being a
light to the nations.
God did above and
beyond I could have ever imagined this week. The volunteers who were
here were such a blessing. They came to serve and do whatever I needed
them to do and that is just what they did. They worked hard, walked lots,
rode the crowded Metro every day and got home late every night. And
never complained. And most importantly they helped me to connect with
new people, especially Jewish people. I praise God for sending such top
notch volunteers to work with me. And I pray that God will bless them
as they return home to share their stories.
Thank you for praying
for the time that we had to spend with Mila on Saturday. A trip that we
expected to take an hour ended up taking about 2 ½ because of traffic
delays. So we ended up spending a lot more time with her than we
expected. I feel like we really bonded and I have an open door to
continue to build that relationship with Mila. We also had an
opportunity to share our faith with her. Please pray that God will
water the seeds that have been planted. The monastery that we visited
was really beautiful and we got there just in time for a service and the all
male choir was absolutely beautiful. That was certainly a God ordained
appointment. I marveled at the fact that a Russian Jew and 4 American
Baptists could worship God together in a Russian Orthodox worship service.
It felt like a glimmer of what heaven will look like.
On Sunday we had a
party for the people at my English club. 17 Russians attended.
Some people who have not been able to attend our group since it moved to
Saturdays were able to come. They seemed to enjoy the games and most
especially the fellowship that we had together. Two Jewish young men
who attended for the first time last week returned this week and brought
along a friend. That is just what we want to see happening.
On Monday we had our
second Seder. From a practical point of view it did not go very
smoothly. The hall we had rented was very small and not set up for a
large group meeting. Setting things up was very chaotic and we started
late. Because of starting late we had to hurry a bit because of time
limitations. But in spite of all of that God truly worked. There
were 47 people there, about ¾ of them were elderly Jewish. 10 of them
were attending one of these holidays for the first time and most importantly
7 of them prayed to receive the Lord. HALLELUJAH! Please be
praying for Mira and I as we do the follow up with them. Several people
also indicated that they would like to study the Bible or join the English
club. So there is lots of work to be done now, which is just what I had
hoped for. Pray that those who said that they want to study the Bible
will actually follow through and come when we invite them.
Prayer Requests:
Tomorrow (March 30th)
I leave for our Annual General Meeting (AGM) in Mikawaka
. I will be meeting with my IMB colleagues who live in the former
Soviet Union
and the Baltic countries for a week of encouragement and training. I
will return home on April 6th. Please pray for all of us who
will be traveling tomorrow. I leave my house at 5:30 am and will arrive
there around 6:00 pm. Part of the trip is by plane and the rest by bus.
Please pray especially that as we are crossing the border between
that things will go smoothly and that we won’t have long delays or any
problems. Also ask the Father to bless this time of meeting that we
have together. May it be a time of encouraging and rest for all who
will participate. Pray too for those who are organizing the conference
and those who will be leading and teaching.
I ordered airline
tickets to
for a conference that I will be attending in August and arranged to have them
sent here via FedEx. It appears from their website that the package
arrived in
a week ago but it has not yet reached me. Please pray that I will be
able to track it down and that the tickets will eventually get to me.
Passover begins on the
evening of April 2nd and ends on April 9th. We
had our Passover celebrations early because of my conference in
next week. All around the world Jewish people will be celebrating this
holiday and recalling the miracle of their deliverance from
. As they gather together with family and friends to celebrate this
most important holiday of the year may God reveal to them the miracle that He
did by sending His son to deliver them from the bondage of sin. If you
have Jewish friends or relatives I would encourage you to wish them a Happy
Passover and to ask them about what the holiday means to them. It just
may open up opportunities for you to share about Jesus, the Passover Lamb.
you so much for holding the ropes this week. I’m tired but so blessed
to see all that God did. May God richly bless you this week.
the Lamb,
Report From: Bill Liniewicz for Radio India
Bill will be going over to India on April 12th. Pastor Bill
and a team will be working on translating and dubbing the voices into the
Visual Bible. Baruch HaShem Yeshua. Please pray that many
lives will be touched by these videos illustrating the Word of G-d.
Please pray for safe travel and protection for this team of workers that
will be going into the mission field. Christians are not liked over
their web site out.
Ministry & Outreach News from Rabbi Ken Alpren at Kol Dodi
Times is going to do a story on the radio show - should be in next issue.
to "Shalom Nashville"
midnight - 1am CST 91.1FM
addition to our normal time,
12 midnight - 1 or 2am Sunday (no show Dec.30):
Dec.22, 2-4pm
Jan.1, 4-6pm
Jan.5, 6-8pm
Jan.12, 6-8pm.
or listen on line at
all times listed are C.S.T
March 10th Kol Dodi Congregation will meet at 10:30 am.
Hebrew class will be moved back to 9:30. (see you there)
Tuesdays at Kol Dodi (Calvary Baptist)
6:15 – 7pm Prayer Hour (Sha’at
7 – 7:45pm “Growing in Maturity” Study - go
out for Coffee after!
Upcoming Holiday Celebrations
/ Observances 5767-5768 (2007)
(actual Service dates posted nearer to
• April 15
Yom ha Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance)
• April 23
Yom ha Atz Ma-ut (Israel’s Independence Day)
• May 23
Shevuot (Weeks / Pentecost)
• July 24 Tisha
B’Av (9th
of Av – Destruction of Temple)
• September 13 Rosh Ha Shannah
(Trumpets/New Year)
• September 22
Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)
• September 27-October 3
Sukkot (Tabernacles)
• December 4-11
Chanukah (Dedication / Lights) evenings
/ donations to:
Dodi”, 537
Rabbi / Pastor
B. Alpren Click
Here To Email Kol Dodi
Ministry Report From: Pastor John Denson
at Shalom Ministries:
Ministries has a new web site Please take a look at this site and see
how Brother John can help. Here is the link:
Greetings in the name of Yeshua our Messiah.
We are excited here at Shalom Ministry at all that God is doing
through this unique outreach. Let
me briefly try and give you as update. We
have three new board members, gifted men who bring integrity, diversity, and
spiritual wisdom. They
compliment the leadership that has been with us since the inception.
Each board member will chair a committee as we began to expand the
ministry programs. We also are
blessed to have a volunteer ministry coordinator who will be coordinating our
evangelistic campaign coming up in August.
(You will hear more about this in up coming news letters.)
We are developing many new components through the ministry. We have a men’s fellowship called David’s mighty men, a
women’s component called Ruth’s fellowship, and the youth ministry are
the Joshua generation. All will
be involved, at some level, in campaign 2007.
The campaign will close out with an evangelistic concert and we’re
asking all our local supporters to be praying for unsaved Jews and Gentiles
to be impacted and respond to the Gospel at this concert.
In May of this year we will have our very first summit.
We’re inviting Messianic leaders and Christian leaders to come
together for a time of prayer, strategy, and dialogue as we plan together for
the cause of Messiah. Donna is
very busy developing an ethnic cookbook that will have scriptures, historical
references, and tantalizing recipes from believers all over the country and
abroad. If any of you are
interested in the cookbook, see enclosed flyer.
you can see, the ministry is growing, leadership is being developed, but we
need help. First, and foremost,
we need prayer. We need ministry
supporters who will invest and be challenged by the opportunities this
ministry presents. We need
volunteers to serve on committees and be a part of our August campaign.
We need office help, someone who is willing to volunteer to make calls
for us once a week. Please pray
for these Jewish people, whom God has brought across our path, to respond to
the Gospel: Mark, Michael D., Michael O., Jonathon, Zachary, Hannah, and
Michelle. We are asking you to
stand with us as we believe God for a rich harvest of Jewish and Gentile
his service
John has a new brochure to send out with speaking topics. Please
contact him if you are interested in having him come and speak at your Church
or Congregation.
Box 19695
Detroit, MI 48219
[248 545 8800]
Report From: Pastor Brian Hawkins at Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach
have had 4 seders in 3 of the Columbus/Phenix City Area and 1 in Warner
Robins Ga.
the 19th we are having a night to honor Israel at a local Baptist Church
where they have invited our congregation to host a Shabbat service in their
church. So much is going on here.
Brian is also in conversation with the missions committee at Golden Acres
Baptist Church where they hold our services, regarding sponsorship. Please be in
prayer that they will have an opportunity to speak with the Senior Pastor there.
We are excited about what G-d is doing in the area.
b'Shem Yeshua,
Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach
Alpha Ct.
City, AL 36867
News from Jay Fielding at Beth Chaim Messianic Fellowship
report: Beth Chaim and Eastside Baptist are working
together to help Beth Chaim grow into a mission and new work in lifestyle
Ha'Shem Yeshua
& Outreach News from Hal and Esther Garrett, First
Baptist Church Hardy, Cherokee Village, AR.
brief summary of Esther and my ministry and work.
and Esther have numerous speaking engagements and Passover Seders to teach.
His service and love
and Esther Garrett
Report and blessings from Rabbi Richard Geiger, Valley of Blessing,
Greensboro, NC.
Requests Continued:
are praying for another location to worship.
are praying for a member to step up
to serve as treasurer,
are praying for increased giving,
are praying for speaking opportunities
coming up (especially with an Arab congregation).
have been led to a person who will lead us through incorporation.
to the San Antonio Encampment This June 2007
The Ha'Kadoshim (the saints) Of The SBMF Will Gather Together
at the SBMF News Page:
2007 Annual Meeting Is In San Antonio, TX. (Update 4/04/07)
prepared for the SBMF Annual Meeting.
We recommend that you contact the SBC Lodging Agency for reservations.
Call-in reservations is not offered in San Antonio
Phone Number: To Come Soon
Go to
to make housing reservations.
and Prayer From Your President: Ric Worshill
pray that the L-rd shines His Light on you. I pray that He leads you to
the Truth in Yeshua. Be strong, be healthy, be safe, be found in
continue to pray for our dear brother Aslam (our NAMB rep.) and his family. Aslam's
daughter was involved in an accident in November and she was injured
severely. Please lift her up in your prayers. Also lift the Aslam
and his family up in your prayers.
pray for brother Bill Liniewicz as he leaves on another mission trip to India
on April .
continue to lift up brother Bob and Tina Alberico as they have been called to lead a
congregation in the St. Louis area of Illinois.
pray for Brian Hawkins, Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach and the missions committee at Golden Acres
Baptist Church where they are praying about sponsorship of Adat Derech Kol Ha'Mashiach.
pray for Dr. Michael Herts who is the fellowship Leader of B'nai Avraham
Messianic Fellowship in Hampton, Virginia.
continue to lift Rav. Jay Fielding and his wife Michele, in your prayers as they
continue to work a new Messianic Jewish Congregation in Marietta, GA.
Shalom in Dallas, TX. (Rabbi Robin Rose) has a new web page. Please
continue to pray for
this new web presence to have a great effect on those who are seeking.
continue to lift up Shalom Ministries (Pastor John Denson) as their new web presence
illustrates their ministry to those who need to know.
keep praying for the ministry of Today With G-d. Translators and financial
support is needed to bring the message to those in nations who speak in
different tongues. Also pray for our dear brother Randy Weiss as he, his
family and team work to translate the programs into every language that they
continue to pray for our brothers and sisters who are working all over this world in
missions service. Our Brothers and Sisters in the International Mission
Board, the North American Mission Board and all the missionaries, all over the
continue to pray for Vice President Jay Isbell, myself and the SBMF Executive Board, as we
work with Aslam Masih and the North American Mission Board, to make your SBMF
more resourceful to you in your ministries.
Please continue to Pray: We are praying that we will be able to be sponsored by NAMB
so we can have a
booth in the Convention Center this year. We would like to let our SBC
Brothers and Sisters know who we are and how we can help them in this race we
run together, leading the nations and our Jewish kinsman to Yeshua.
not ye, There are yet four months, and then cometh harvest? behold, I say
unto you, Lift up your eyes, and look on the fields; for they are white
already to harvest. [John 4:35 KJV]
is short. People are perishing.
solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to
judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach
the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with
great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not
endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will
accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and
will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. But
you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist,
fulfill your ministry. [2 Timothy 4:1-5]
you told someone about Yeshua? Have you brought Light into a dark life
by the Word of Life, Who is the Light of the world.
out the below SBMF recommended Messianic ministries for details of .
Members Ministries, Congregations and Worship Service Information
& Fellowships
Adat Shalom
Beth HaShem
Avraham Messianic Congregation
Christian - Jewish Unity
Riverside County area of
Southern California
Beth Chaim
El Shaddai
Avraham Messianic Fellowship
Kol Dodi
Side of Central Nashville, TN.
Of Blessing
Greensboro, NC
of Israel Congregation
Charlotte, NC.
& Resources
Detroit, MI.
Princeton, WV
Institute Of Jewish Studies
A Ministry Of
Criswell College
Dallas, TX.
Eternal Life Style Ministries
Shomreem Ministries
Lindenhurst, IL.
of Messiah
Charlotte, NC.
Some of the above web sites have SBMF
members attending or associated with those ministries. Some of these above
ministries are not directly SBMF members as a congregations or ministries. The
member of those ministries may be a member of the SBMF.
Not all of our affiliated Messianic congregations or our member's
ministries have web sites. Some of our members have not yet
requested us to post links to their web sites. If you are a member
of the SBMF and would like a link to your web site posted and linked,
please contact us at the SBMF.
Our intention is to help resource our SBMF
members in their ministries.
Ysrael Adonai Elohaunoo, Adonai Echad
Israel the L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One
Him who loves us and released us from our sins by His blood — and He has
made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father —
to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. Amen.
BEHOLD, HE IS COMING WITH THE CLOUDS, and every eye will see Him, even
those who pierced Him; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn over
Him. So it is to be. Amen. "I
am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, " who is and who
was and who is to come, the Almighty." [Rev 1:5-8 NASU]
was in the Spirit on the Lord's day, and I heard behind me a loud voice
like the sound of a trumpet, saying, " Write in a book what you see,
and send it to the seven churches: to Ephesus and to Smyrna and to
Pergamum and to Thyatira and to Sardis and to Philadelphia and to Laodicea."
Then I turned to see the
voice that was speaking with me. And having turned I saw [Rev
1:10-12 NASU]
it is about position. John
heard, he turned, and he saw. To
truly see you need to turn to Yeshua. I heard - I turned - I saw - I
found Salvation in the L-rd.
L-rd is knocking at the door of your heart.
Will you let him in?
Shem K'vod Malchooto lay'olam vay'ed
His Glorious Name Whose Kingdom is Forever and ever
L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, and be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, and give you peace.
News Index Page