Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
Update May 6, 2008
to all. “The grace of the Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the love of Elohim, and the fellowship of the Ruach
HaKodesh, be with you all.”
Forget - The SBMF Encampment is Coming in June:
He said to me, "Son of man, stand on your feet that I may speak with
you!" 2 As He spoke to me the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet;
and I heard Him speaking to me. 3 Then He said to me, "Son of man, I am
sending you to the sons of Israel, to a rebellious people who have rebelled
against Me; they and their fathers have transgressed against Me to this very
day. 4 "I am sending you to them who are stubborn and obstinate
children, and you shall say to them, 'Thus says the LordGOD.' 5 "As for
them, whether they listen or not — for they are a rebellious house — they
will know that a prophet has been among them. 6 "And you, son of man,
neither fear them nor fear their words, though thistles and thorns are with
you and you sit on scorpions; neither fear their words nor be dismayed at
their presence, for they are a rebellious house. 7 "But you shall speak
My words to them whether they listen or not, for they are rebellious. 8
"Now you, son of man, listen to what I am speaking to you; do not be
rebellious like that rebellious house. Open your mouth and eat what I am
giving you." 9 Then I looked, and behold, a hand was extended to me; and
lo, a scroll was in it. 10 When He spread it out before me, it was written on
the front and back, and written on it were lamentations, mourning and woe.
[Ezekiel 2:1-10 NASU]
voice of one crying in the wilderness: "Prepare
the way of the L-RD; Make
straight in the desert A highway for our G-d.
Every valley shall be exalted And every mountain and hill brought low;
The crooked places shall be made straight And the rough places smooth;
The glory of the L-RD shall be revealed, And all flesh shall see it
together; For the mouth of the
L-RD has spoken." [Isaiah 40:3-5
ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. [Mark
16:15 KJV]
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world. Amen. [Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
We pray that all is well with you.
G-d is
blessing us all the time. Be blessed, be healthy, be safe, be found in
News from Rabbi Jay Fielding at Beth Chaim Messianic Congregation.
Southern Baptist Brothers and Sisters:
Beth Chaim is a Messianic Congregation in Marietta, Georgia run by three
ordained Jewish Messianic Rabbis: Jay Fielding, Senior Rabbi and Founder,
Aaron Evans, Service Leader, and Kevin Dangler, Worship leader. We began as a
congregation almost one year ago June with about 8 people. We have grown
to about 25 regular members and visitors each Shabbat.
We are an active member of the Southern Baptist
Messianic Fellowship. President Rabbi Worshill, Vice President Jay Isbell, and
the other executive members and member congregations have provided us
significant help, prayers and encouragement to empower our success.
Eastside Baptist Church,,
has become a partner with us in Jewish Outreach. They provide us wonderful
facilities to meet in each week, help with facilities and church
administration and finance, allowing us to focus on our congregation mission
and objectives discussed below and on our website Dr.
David Chauncey is Senior Pastor at Eastside and Reverend Joey Garner is our
direct sponsor and Minister of Family Discipleship and Missions. We are
very thankful to our friends and partners at Eastside.
We recently had our first congregational Seder in
partnership with Eastside Baptist Church. We had over 320 people, including
Jewish seekers, Beth Chaim members, over 120 Eastside Baptist Church members
and staff, 8 other church and ministry visitors and individual families
who heard about our Seder from friends or our website.
I delivered an introductory message of the
importance for the Church to incorporate the Passover and other Hebraic
Holidays into Church life as sign to the Jewish people that Jesus is
the Jewish Messiah. The message also spoke to our Jewish Brothers and Sisters that
God has always been concerned about our eternal life and the impact of sin on
our relationship with God. We shared that Jesus is the true Passover Lamb
whose blood took away the sin of the world and the need to come to Him in
faith to receive eternal life and forgiveness of sins. Rabbi Aaron Evans led
our Seder with a dais of Michele and I, some of our leaders and deacons and
the leaders for the Eastside Singles, Dan and Sandy Fisher. Rabbi Kevin
and Lynn Dangler led a magnificent Davidic Dance and Worship program
incorporated into different sections of the Seder. With help from Eastside
staff and Singles we set up 39 tables with the full Seder ceremonial materials
so each guest could participate in the Seder with the dais leaders.
We catered through Eastside a great meal and a provided a full
Seder Program for them to take with them.
We received very positive feedback from many of
our guests and Eastside Baptist Church which has committed to helping us
again next year. We look to outreach to more Jewish people to attend.
As additional background:
We meet every Shabbat morning, Saturday, for a worship and teaching service
from 11:15 AM to 1:15 PM followed by fellowship with light
refreshments-lunch. We hold special services for all the Lord's
Appointed Feasts of Israel and other Hebraic holiday's within their meaning
in Messiah! You'll be blessed by joining us!
Our website has a wide range of Messianic and
Discipleship teachings in video, audio and document format. We have about 5
regular teachers that rotate with me. I provide a Torah teaching almost every
week that is focused on helping Jewish seekers and Believers appreciate
Christianity's foundation on Jewish Tenach. Our mission and objectives
1. To provide a congregation that disciples our
members, encourages fellowship and friendships, and allows Jewish and
Non-Jewish people to worship, learn, and grow within the Hebraic roots of the
Christian faith. We define Christianity as the extension of Judaism to both
Jews and Non-Jews through faith in the Jewish Messiah.
2. To allow Jewish Believers and Jewish seekers
an opportunity to keep their identity as Jews and come to a growing
relationship with Jesus Christ as Yeshua HaMashiach, their Jewish Messiah for
salvation. We teach righteousness and spiritual growth comes only from God
through submission to the Holy Spirit living inside the heart of each
3. To be a humble servant to our local
Church community providing resources, services, events and congregation to
assist them in being more effective in their Jewish witnessing and outreach.
In this regard, we have gone out to churches as guest speakers with Davidic
Dance and teach a Wednesday night class at Eastside Baptist called, Jesus in
the Old Testament”.
Rabbi Jay Fielding
Beth Chaim
Ministry News from our sister in Russia
Our vision is to see Russian Jews gathered into
vibrant Messianic congregations being a light to the nations.
you for praying that we would be able to buy plane tickets from Siberia to
Moscow. We were able to find reasonably priced tickets. However
because of an internet glitch I also bought another pair of tickets, that I
now need to return. Please pray that I will be able to return them and
get my money refunded without any problem.
Friday evening 2 Russian women who live in Yekaterinburg (one of the cities
in Siberia we will be visiting on our trip) and are involved in Jewish
ministry came to Moscow and stopped by my house for a visit. One of
them has come to Moscow several times but it has not worked out for us to
meet before. This time we had a great time of fellowship and learning
more about each other’s ministries. They are very excited about our
visit to their city and want to set up a meeting with others there who are
involved in Jewish ministry. This meeting was certainly God’s
providential timing.
Saturday evening I attended a meeting of Messianic leaders. Besides
those of us who live and work in Moscow there were two visitors from Israel
(both Russian immigrants), one from Canada and two from the US. The
meeting was very informal and I got to spend a good amount of time talking to
the other English speakers. It was a great chance to hear what God is
doing in other parts of the world and to network with like minded believers.
Monday some IMB trustees were in Moscow to meet with those of us who serve
here. We had a meeting in the morning where each team leader gave a
brief report about their ministry and team. Then in the afternoon several of
us took our guests to see Red Square and the Kremlin. I enjoyed getting
to know these 2 men and their families better. We are very appreciative
of the work that our trustees do and the commitment that they have to our
ministry here in Russia and all over the world.
- On
Wed, May 7th Donna and I are going out to see the facility that
we are using for camp. This will be an opportunity for us to make a
deposit (they are giving us a 5% discount, which we are very grateful for)
and to once again check out the grounds. Last time they were still
under snow so this time we should be able to see them a bit better. The
volunteer team coming from the States has lots of questions about the
facility so hopefully we will be able to answer them after going out there
- We
have still not found a hotel for the volunteers who are coming in July.
I have never had such a difficult time doing this before. We
really need to get this done this week so that the team can start their
visa application process. Please pray that we will find the right
place for them to stay and be able to make the needed reservations SOON!
- We
have had a very small group at our English club the last few weeks. Next
week will be our last lesson for this school year and we will have a year
end picnic after we return from Siberia. Please pray that we will be
able to connect with those who haven’t attended for a while. We
want to invite them and their friends to English camp. Please pray
for God to make a way for those who He is calling to come to camp.
- Wed,
May 7th Israel is celebrating its 60th year of
independence. There will be many celebrations there and in Jewish
communities around the world. Please pray for God’s blessing on
these celebrations. This is a prime time for terrorist attacks so
please pray also for God’s protection on His people. As Jewish
people around the world contemplate the miracle of Israel’s re-birth as
a nation, may God use this celebration to turn their hearts and eyes back
to Him.
- Friday,
May 9th is V Day Europe. This is the date that Russians
and other Europeans celebrate the end of WWII in Europe. There will be big
parades at Red Square and other places throughout the country. Another
Jewish ministry will be having an outreach at Victory Park on Friday.
There will be lots of people milling around the park so it is a
great time to try to engage people in spiritual conversations. I
also hope to participate in this event. Please pray that God will
bless our efforts and that many people will come to know the true freedom
that comes only through a relationship with their Messiah.
you so much for holding up these important requests this week. I
couldn’t do what I do without your prayer support. May God richly
bless you this week.
the Lamb,
Ministry News from Steve Kaplan at Jewish
Outreach International
May 2008
“I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is
the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the
Jew, then for the Gentile.”-Romans 1:16
bless you and your family! Thank you for your support of our ministry.
Please pray for BOLDED names in this newsletter as well as other OUTREACH not
specifically mentioned. Please pray for our TUESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIPS,
JESUS LOVES YOU T-SHIRT MINISTRY, a booth at the "Taste of
Alpharetta" Thursday, May 15 5pm to 10pm (please join us) and a MEMORIAL
DAY WEEKEND OUTREACH which includes a party at my home Sunday, May 25 6pm to
whenever (please join us).
you so very much for your prayers. Every time we send out our
newsletter, we know you are praying because the most incredible things happen
the day after we send it out! Last month we wrote about me running into
TODD (new Jewish believer)'s FAMILY all over Atlanta. The day after the
last newsletter went out, I ran into Todd's aunt ALICE (Jewish non-believer)
and cousin LAURIE (Jewish non-believer who just happens to live on my street)
at a local restaurant and it was the first time Alice saw my "Jesus
Loves You" t-shirt. Her expression of surprise was most
interesting and she barely said hello to me. That same day INA (Jewish
non-believer widow) actually came to church with us for an International
Missions Banquet our ministry was a part of! Also that day, STEPHANIE
(new Jewish believer) called me for the first time in three months! I
had met her while working out with RYAN (Jewish non-believer) at the gym
sometime last year.
OUTREACH INTERNATIONAL had a table at the Mount Vernon Baptist Church
Missions Conference. We equipped CHURCH members with Gospel tracts,
Jewish Evangelism Brochures and "Jesus Loves You" t-shirts.
As a result of this conference, I have been invited to speak about Jewish
Outreach and equip our YOUTH on Sunday, May 4 and Wednesday, May 14.
There were hundreds of people at this conference and about six door prizes
were given out. Three of the four people who signed up for our
newsletter won door prizes! "I will bless those who bless you and
whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be
blessed through you."-Genesis 12:3
is a group of leaders from Jewish Evangelistic organizations who discuss
relevant topics and network. This year's meeting was in Boston,
Massachusetts. While in Boston, we had lunch in an Orthodox restaurant
where many were challenged by my "Jesus Loves You" t-shirt, I was
able to give Hebrew tracts to the five ISRAELIS working at the mall across
from our hotel and my friend ABRAHAM and I distributed hundreds of Gospel
tracts in Brookline, a Jewish neighborhood of Boston where I shared with
PABETTIA (Russian Jewish non-believer). On a previous mission trip I
gave up my seat in return for a $400 voucher and a later flight. I used
that voucher for a $299 ticket to Phoenix and had a $101 balance. I
tried to apply the balance to my $421 ticket to Boston, but was only charged
$21? While at the airport, I told them what happened and the service
representative laughed at me? She told me to call customer service and
she too laughed at me and said I had good "karma" and to forget
about it?
the Lord, EDDIE and LURA were able to leave ISRAEL for their trip to the
United States, they came to our party and even shared with our group during
one of our Tuesday Night Fellowships. SENATOR ISAKSON's office notified
me they had indeed sent an e-mail to the American Embassy in Tel Aviv on
behalf of Eddie and Lura! AMI, the young boy who had a Purim package
explode in front of him, is getting better! World Magazine did an
article about the persecution, and our names were mentioned on the front page
of the April 5, 2008 edition:
I ask: Did they stumble so as to fall beyond recovery? Not at
all! Rather, because of their transgression, salvation has come to the
Gentiles to make Israel envious. But if their transgression means
riches for the world, and their loss means riches for the Gentiles, how much
greater riches will their fullness bring!”-Romans 11:11-12
of my FRIENDS came to church on the Sunday our new Pastor, DR. AARON MENIKOFF
was preaching and voted in! Please pray for Dr. Menikoff and his wife
DEANA (who both have FATHERS with Jewish blood) and their three CHILDREN.
They will officially join our church in June.
- My
friends and I went out to lunch after church. I wasn't wearing my
"Jesus Loves You" t-shirt, but an obviously Jewish woman
stared at me? She kept looking and looking? I finally realized it
was Todd's aunt EILEEN (Jewish non-believer) who I just met at Todd's brother
CHAD's wedding. She read the false article about me in the
Atlanta Jewish Times several years ago, knew I was friendly with Todd and
didn't like it?
took MIKE M. to the doctor's office on the other side of town. I left
him there and went to visit STEVE (Orthodox Jewish non-believer) who owns a
store not too far from Mike's doctor's office. I haven't seen Steve in
a couple of years, but he was very happy to see me and thanked me for all the
postcards! He said his kids fight over them and he now makes them take
turns on who gets to keep the newest one! The whole time I talked with
Steve, he kept staring at my "Jesus Loves You" t-shirt! Pray
for open eyes!
had some 30 PEOPLE come to our party including nine Jewish non-believers.
It was an informal party and the older Jewish people were most touched by the
invite. It was a great time of relationship building. Over 100
other Jewish people were invited. Please pray they were still touched
and come to our future events, especially the TUESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIPS.
and I went to Carvel. There were two obviously Jewish WOMEN and several
CHILDREN wearing EPSTEIN SCHOOL (local Jewish day school) shirts. A 10
year old boy asked (in front of the women and others), "Why do you have
"Jesus" with the Jewish star?" I answered,
"Because, Jesus is our Jewish Messiah!" He said, "Oh, I
didn't know that?" I said, "Well, now you do!"
had a booth at the "Taste of Marietta". We had the Israeli
flag flying, gave out Gospel materials and about 400 "Jesus Loves
You" t-shirts! PEOPLE (Jew and Gentile) walked up to us all day
and we were able to share many times! A big thanks to BRUCE and LINDA
for helping staff the booth!
(Jewish believer) just took 200 Spanish "Jesus Loves You" t-shirts
to equip believers in Mexico! To the best of my record keeping, we have
equipped over 10,000 believers with English, Spanish and Russian "Jesus
Loves You" t-shirts in all 50 states and 45 foreign countries worldwide!
years ago I was told a Jewish woman worked at my church as an assistant
teacher for the Mother's Morning Out Program. I asked if I could meet
this woman, but was told she was not open and it wouldn't be a good idea?
I prayed for this woman and an opportunity to share with her. One night
MARLENE (Jewish believer widow) asked me to go to dinner with her and INA
(Jewish non-believer widow) who I have been ministering to lately. I
ended up driving them since Ina lives around the corner. After dropping
off Marlene, I drove Ina home and she invited me to her synagogue for a
Shabbat service. I've been to Ina's synagogue several times and feel
comfortable there and mentioned to Ina she seemed to feel comfortable at my
church while she was there a few weeks ago. Ina told me she used to
live near the church and voted there all the time as well as work in the
Mother's Morning Out Program! You could have knocked me over with a
Jewish Outreach International
PO Box 720375
Atlanta, Georgia 30328
News From A New Member “By
His Word Ministry”
The Purpose of By His
Word Ministry
To teach the body
of Yeshua (believers) that we are grafted into Israel, not the other way
around, as shown in Ephesians 3:6, Ephesians 5:23 and 1 Corinthians
To show that all of
G-D's (YHVH) commandments are for all of Israel.
To show that Yeshua
(Jesus) said that I and the father are one. If you love me you will keep my
To show that all
scripture is to teach us how to walk with the Lord.
To show that Yeshua
and Paul kept and taught the Torah.
To teach the customs,
idioms, pattern and pictures that the scriptures use to teach of the Messiah.
To show that Yeshua
is YHVH incarnate.
Hello, my name is Judy Rosenberg, I was
raised in church and baptized at the age of 12. Many years later I had a
dramatic conversion, then God gave me a hunger and a love for His Word
and the Jewish Savior. I have studied the Jewish roots of the
Christian faith for over 20 years. I am a graduate of Langston
Bible College, and have studied with many knowledgeable Messianic teachers. I
live in Myrtle Beach SC, and I teach Torah on Tuesday night at the Lakewood
Camping Resort Conference Center starting at 6:30. Everyone is welcome to
attend. I am available for teaching in your church, fellowships or
weekend conferences. What By His Word Ministry believes
That the original Hebrew/Greek scriptures
are the infallible word
of YHVH (G-D).
That YHVH is one. (That He manifests
Himself as the Father, Son and Spirit).
That Jesus (Yeshua) was born of the
virgin by the Holy Spirit.
That He died was buried and arose on the
third day.
That He's coming to get the believers that
have the testimony of Yeshua and obey the commandments of YHVH.(John
That He will Rule from Jerusalem for 1000
That He will teach the Torah Himself and
we will celebrate His Feast and Festivals.
In the very beginning of the scripture we see
Yeshua (Jesus) on the cross, by the meaning of the Hebrew letter Aleph meaning
God and Tav meaning Cross. As you see in the picture above in the red
box the letters not translated in our English Bible. "I am the Alpha and
the Omega, the First and the Last. (Revelation 1:10)" "In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was
God. (John 1:1)"
Remember The Local
Flood Disaster News In Central Illinois
From your
SBMF President Ric Worshill
You may have seen the news about the flooding in
North Central Illinois last December. If not, I would like to let you know
about one of the several SBC churches that was devastated by these floods.
Watseka Baptist Church is in the center of the flood area of Iroquois
County, IL. The water damaged the
foundation and building beyond repair. The
floor of the church building sits about three feet above ground level and the
water was up about three inches above the sanctuary floor.
The basement of the church was flooded and the classroom was moved off
the foundation.
Watseka Baptist Church is a small Southern
Baptist Church that is working the good work of bringing the good news of Jesus
Christ in the Three Rivers (Southern) Baptist Association.
This church is very limited in resources and is made up of mostly senior
citizens who have limited physical abilities. This area has been
resistant to the Gospel for too many years. This church is working to lead
the lost to the L-rd.
Watseka Baptist Church is a small congregation
who have not been able to afford flood insurance.
The members are devastated as their church has been damaged as well as
some of their homes.
Watseka Baptist Church is the first Southern
Baptist Church to license and ordain a Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
member as Southern Baptist Minister and Messianic Rabbi.
This local church was the first to use the SBMF Messianic Rabbinic
Ordination Certificate.
Please pray for this small local church as they
need to find property on high ground in the area that they serve and build a new
building. Their church building has
been condemned. They need the L-rd
to supply as there are no funds available to accomplish this acquisition of
property or build a building.
are other churches in this area that have been damaged.
you ask in My name, that will I do, so that the Father may be glorified in the
Son. If you ask Me anything in My
name, I will do it. [John
Church is located at:
Baptist Church
S. Second Street
Illinois, 60970
Church Phone: 815-432-4400
Contact Information:
Richard Reeder Sr.
E. Grant St.
Illinois, 60970
Phone: 815-432-3796
Come join us
in Indy this June. Real food from the Tree of Life and good fellowship.
are what we eat. Feast on the Tree of Life. Be filled with Light
and Life. Read the Word.
is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those
things which are written in it; for the time is near.
[Revelation 1:3 NKJV]
Ha’ba B’Shem Adonai
is he who comes in the name of the LORD! [Ps
118:26 NKJV]

L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, And be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, And give you peace. [NASU Numbers

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