Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship
Updated August 8, 2008
to all. “The grace of the Adonai Yeshua Ha'Mashiach, and the love of Elohim, and the fellowship of the Ruach
HaKodesh, be with you all.”
News - New Works In The Making:
the L-rd your G-d forever and ever!
Blessed be Your glorious name, which is exalted above all blessing and
praise! You
alone are the L-rd; You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all
their host, the earth and everything on it, the seas and all that is in them,
and You preserve them all. The
host of heaven worships You. [Nehemiah
9:5-6 NKJV]
give thanks to G-d always for all of you, making mention of you in our
prayers; [1 Thessalonians 1:2 NASU]
We pray that all is well with you.
G-d is so good. Be
healthy, be safe, be blessed, be found in Yeshua Ha'Mashiach.
Ministry news from your SBMF
President, Ric Worshill
The worship services and annual meetings in Indianapolis went well.
The music worship provided by Rabbi
Kevin Dangler and Brother Art Lindholm was a blessing.
The teaching given to us by Dr.
H Bruce Stokes was wonderful and engaging. Our
annual meeting went well. We made
some amendments to our constitution that will make us stronger in our Kingdom
service. Our Executive Board
Members will serve in specific positions.
Our Nominating Committee Members will also serve on this team to help
our member’s ministries in their spiritual service of worship. We
elected a wonderful team of people to serve the Kingdom by serving you.
Here is the list of those who were elected.
Ric Worshill
Mike Saffle
Development Manager
Jay Isbell
Development Manager
Jay Fielding
Training Manager
Dr. Bruce Stokes
Penny Isbell
Connie Saffle
Hal Garrett
Brian Hawkins
Randall Clark
booth was a successful project. The
support given by the saints made it work out well.
We had an average of 6 to 8 SBMF brothers and sisters in the booth
most of the time. Most of the
time we were ale engaged in conversations and prayer with numerous people.
WOW what the L-rd can do. We
made several new contacts for potential partnerships.
We handed out over 3,500 SBMF brochures.
We handed out about 400 kippot with the SBMF logo screened on them.
We passed out an unknown number of “Jesus Loves You” t-shirts,
supplied by brother Steve Kaplan’s ministry.
I went into the convention hall of the SBC Annual Meetings. I
looked out over the attendees, and to my surprise I saw SBMF kippot all over
the convention hall. I also saw
“Jesus Loves You” t-shirts all over.
Baruch Ha’Shem Yeshua!
continue to pray for these brothers and sisters who came to our booth.
Many had prayer requests and others were interested in seeing how they
could help the SBMF and our member ministries.
news from Rob Bohning of Kehillat HaDerekh Chaim (The
Way Of Life) Kansas
City, MO.
Bohning in Kansas City, MO. invited us to be a part of his 'Interest Meeting
/ Havdalah Service'. Brother Rob
is one of the new works that we have all been praying for and one of the new
starts that we hope to help get up and running.
SBMF Vice-president Rabbi Mike Saffle traveled to K.C. to attend this
special service of this new work of a Messianic Jewish Congregation.
Below is his report on this event.
The 'Interest Meeting / Havdalah Service' for Rob Bohning's work went very
well. There were about 60 people
in attendance, with many children. Rob
did a fine job of integrating the kids into the teaching time, with a
'Children's Teaching" at the beginning. He then opened up with reading
Parashat Pinchas (Numbers 25:10 through 30:1). We
had good conversation, with great questions and insights. The
Havdalah service was very informal, and home-like, even though so many people
were there. There was a lot of
interest in beginning a new congregation, or perhaps formalizing the home
groups into one multi-locational unit. Since several home studies are in
out-lying parts of KC, and a couple in different communities altogether, this
might be the best way to integrate everyone, perhaps with a joint Shabbat
meeting once a month. Rob and
Hubner have a lot of praying to do regarding how to put this all together. We
will be right beside them, though, and will help any way we can. Rob
and Marjie have half-settled on a name, but I can't remember it. Kehilat ...
something. I'm sure you know by now, anyway! **smile**
Shalom b,Shem Yeshua,
tentative name is Kehillat
HaDerekh Chaim (The
Way Of Life). We pray that this
new work has a mighty impact for the Kingdom in the K.C. area.
news from Beth Yeshua in Thomaston, Georgia
August 2, 2008 at Beth Yeshua in Thomaston, Georgia a Shabbat and Ordination service was held.
Ministry Development Manager Rabbi Jay Fielding was in attendance.
Rabbi Jay assisted in the service.
Rabbi Jay spoke on the following subjects.
is the purpose of the Ordination Ceremony?
is unique about an Ordination for a Messianic Rabbi?
a Gentile be Ordained as a Messianic Rabbi?
is special about affiliation with the Southern Baptist Messianic Fellowship?
is the difference between a Messianic Rabbi and a traditional Jewish Rabbi?
about the passage Matthew 23:7 where Jesus says “Call no man Rabbi?
is the role of Jews and the roles of Gentiles in Messianic Judaism?
should Messianic Congregations and traditional Churches work together?
is some of the email report that Rabbi Jay sent after this event.
Rabbi Ric Worshill, President SBMF
Leadership and Association
Jeffery Trent Dumont and Beth Yeshua
behalf of Michele and I and Beth Chaim Messianic Congregation we are very
honored that we were asked to participate in Rabbi Jeffery Dumont's
Ordination for Messianic Rabbi at Beth Yeshua this Saturday.
and I were very warmly received by Jeff, his wife Susan, the leadership team
and the entire congregation and made to feel as Congregation Meshpukah
Yeshua is about 60 miles outside the southern part of Atlanta in a very nice
rural city called Thomaston, Georgia. They are housed in a office space right
near the City Hall. The congregation has worked hard to create a beautiful
worship center with magnificent handmade banners and other Messianic Jewish
art work and ceremony items.
and his team led a wonderful spirit-filled Messianic Jewish service complete
with Shofar, Siddur liturgy, live worship music and heartfelt prayer.
delivered a charge to both Jeffery and Beth Yeshua on behalf of SBMF. I asked
them to bless our work by having a burden to share the Gospel of Messiah with
our unsaved Jewish brothers and sisters and to share the Hebriac
roots of Christianity with our Church brothers and sisters. In addition, I
highlighted some exciting opportunities and challenges that Messianic
Congregations face. I asked them to join SBMF in our Mission and to look at
the Ordination as a marriage between Beth Yeshua, our Association and Yeshua
through the anointing glue of the Holy Spirit. I also wanted Rabbi Jeff
and Beth Yeshua to see this ceremony as an Echad or oneness with Beth Chaim
and Michele and I personally.
Jeffery, his wife Susan and the Congregation received our message and Jeff's
Ordination with their own heartfelt blessing in the Ruach HaKodesh!!
then prayed over Jeff and anointed him with oil. Then everyone in
the congregation took turns laying hands on Jeff and praying for his
success as their leader as an Ordained Rabbi. They agreed to support
Jeff and help him in his work.
was a great blessing for Michele and I, Beth Chaim, and SBMF that the
Lord used us to confirm what he has already done in the eternal, bless
Jeffery Trent Dumont as a Messianic Rabbi and his chosen servant to lead Beth
have attached a few pictures and I am sending a CD of all the pictures we
took to both Ric and Jeff. Attached is the Ordination talk handout.
Unfortunately the talk itself did not get recorded due to battery issues at
the last minute.
again for asking us to participate.
Rabbi Jay Fielding
Chaim Messianic Congregation
are fragments from a response that Rabbi Jeff Dumont sent to us.
awesome is the best and greatest word that can be used to describe our
Shabbat service today, then awesome it is.
What a guy Rabbi Jay is, & his wife is just great. We all were so
blessed by them being here today for the ordination service.
We normally use cd's for praise & worship;, but a pastor friend of ours
that was there for my Baptist ordination performed P/W for us.
For folks at Beth Yeshua Thomaston, we cannot thank you, nor can we bless
Hashem, enough for how great today was.
Adonai has brought us to a new chapter in the movie of Beth Yeshua and the
Messianic movement in the Thomaston area. I am so glad that G-d has
prepared our hearts for "A Time Such As This".
are so looking forward to working with you, Rabbi Jay & Beth Chaim and
our new extended mishpocha of the SBMF. What a blessing and honor to
become part of this wonderful work.
I am looking forward to any upcoming events of SBMF and conferences.
Please let me know of any coming up because I'd love to be there.
Toda raba may you be blessed by Adonai through His Son Yeshua and may this be
the true beginning of a great & wonderful relationship.
Love you in Messiah Yeshua, & Numbers 6:24-26 upon SBMF.
In Him,
The New Rabbi on the block,
Jeff Dumont
Dumont is grateful to the SBMF for our love and help.
We need to pray for a mighty work in this local congregation and for
Rabbi Jeff.
News from Brother Steve Kaplan Jewish Outreach International.

As you may
know brother Steve has an outreach ministry called Jewish Outreach
International. Brother
Steve prints up the T-shirts with a Mogan David and Jesus Loves You in the
center. You can order these free
t-shirts by contacting brother Steve at his ministry (
to his web site to sign up for his news letter.
It will bless your heart. Jewish
Outreach International
Steve is in the process of starting a new work Messianic congregation in the
Atlanta area. Please pray for
brother Steve, his ministry team and this new work.
News from our sister in Russia
vision is to see Russian Jews gathered into vibrant Messianic congregations
being a light to the nations.
- For
the first time in a long time I feel somewhat caught up on my
correspondence and other projects. That doesn’t mean that I don’t
still have lots of things on my plate but simply that I am not feeling
really overwhelmed at the moment. That is a huge answer to prayer.
Thanks so much for your prayers in this regard.
- One
of the things that I accomplished this week was to write to those who had
expressed an interest in coming on a volunteer trip in August. At
this point 5 people have said that they are definitely feeling called to
come. There is still room for more if anyone else is interested.
I am very grateful to the Lord for calling out these sisters (so far
only women are coming) to come and be a part of this project. Please
pray for them as they take care of details on their end and I take care of
details on my end. One of the women who wants to come is a seminary
student with limited funds (student and limited funds usually go together,
somehow). At our team meeting this week Donna and I specifically
prayed that God would provide her with the funds she needs to come. Before
we even prayed God had already answered that prayer when someone she knows
slightly offered to provide as much as she needs to come. God is so
- Saturday
was a holiday here (International Women’s Day) so attendance at our
English club was down a bit. Some of the beginners in our group came
back and others didn’t. They are struggling to keep up but are very
motivated to learn and work very hard. They seem to feel welcome even
though they are far behind the other students, language wise. This is
a real answer to prayer. If it is God’s will that they be a part of
our group, please pray that He will help them to learn and to feel a part
of our group. Please continue to pray for Olga as she tries to
prepare lessons for people with a wide variety of levels. This is
certainly a challenge for her.
- I
found out last week that Donna and I may be able to get work permits
through the organization that is currently providing us with visas. I
will call them this week to get more information. If this works out
we would be able to get one year work permits that would enable us to
continue our ministry here. Please continue to pray for God to open
up the doors that He wants us to pursue in regards to long term visas.
- We
are still trying to find a place for English camp. We have several
people helping us but so far have not come up with anything solid. I would
like for us to have a place reserved by March 22nd. That
is the date of a Purim service for all of the local Messianic congregations
in Moscow. We would like to be able to advertise the camp there but
before we can advertise we need to have a place. God is able and His
timing is perfect. Please continue to pray with us that He will lead
us to the right place for camp.
- I
have been trying to get together with my Jewish friend Mila for several
weeks now. I called her last week to invite her over for dinner but
she was busy and promised to call me back. That was 3 days ago and I
haven’t heard from her. I don’t take this as a slight but simply
as an indication that she is very busy. I plan to call her again this
week and invite her for dinner soon. Please pray that we will be able
to find a convenient time to get together. She is a precious woman
and I so desire to see her come to know her Messiah.
- Donna
and I are continuing to make plans to travel across Siberia on the train
this summer. Finding the right time continues to be a challenge.
Please pray that we will find a good time to go and that all the details of
transportation, housing, finances, etc. will fall together. Please be
praying even now for the Jewish people that we will meet along the way.
Pray that God will open their hearts to their Messiah.
- In
a little over a month Passover will be here. This year we don’t
have any volunteers coming to help us with the Passover Seders. So the bulk
of preparing for them will fall on Donna and I. Please pray that He
will provide others who will be willing to help. Please pray that we
will be able to decide on the best day and place to have the Seders. And
most especially please pray that the Jewish people who attend these Seders
will come with open hearts and minds. Praise God for the other Jewish
ministry here in Moscow that is willing once again to partner with us to
make these Passover seders happen. These brothers and sisters are
such a blessing to me.
- Attendance
at both my Bible study and Donna’s have fallen off lately. Please
pray that God will bring those that He wants to have there and that He
would give us opportunities to invest in their lives and spiritual growth.
May God
richly bless all that you do this week. Thanks so much for your
In the
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all
things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even
unto the end of the world. Amen. [Matt 28:19-20 KJV]
out the below SBMF recommended Messianic ministries for details of .
Members Ministries, Congregations and Worship Service Information
& Fellowships
El Shaddai
Of Blessing
Greensboro, NC
Adonai Yeshua
Birmingham, AL.
Disciple Center
Hills, CA.
Kol Dodi
Nashville, TN.
Beth Chaim
Beth Yeshua
Baptist Church
Adat Shalom
Beth HaShem
of Israel Congregation
Charlotte, NC.
Ha'Derevh Kol Ha' Mashiach
Columbus, GA &
Phenix City, AL.
Avraham Messianic Fellowship
Adonai Messianic Fellowship
Shalom Messianic Congregation
Houston, TX.
Avraham Messianic Congregation
Christian - Jewish Unity
Riverside County area of
Southern California
HaShem Jewish-Christian Synagogue
& Resources
Princeton, WV.
Detroit, MI.
Cherokee Village, AR.
Waxahachie, TX.
His Word Ministry
Myrtle Beach SC.
Life, & Peace Ministry
Eternal Life Style Ministries
Of Our Hearts Ministries
Villa, IL.
of Messiah
Charlotte, NC.
Shomreem Ministries
Lindenhurst, IL.
Outreach International
Atlanta, GA.
Institute Of Jewish Studies
A Ministry Of
Criswell College, Dallas, TX.
Humanitarian Aid Ministries
These are located in the USA and abroad.
Land Ministries
Ministry, Giving Aid And Bringing New Life To The Homeless In Israel
Come Soon.
Some of our SBMF
members attend or are associated with the above ministries. Some of these above
ministries are not directly SBMF members as congregations or ministries,
but they have members who are members of the SBMF. Not all of our affiliated Messianic congregations or our member's
ministries have web sites. Also some of our members have not yet
requested us to post links to their ministry web sites. If you are a member
of the SBMF and would like a link to your web site posted and linked,
please contact us at the SBMF.
Our intention is to help resource our SBMF
members in their ministries and bless the children of Israel.
are what we eat. Feast on the Tree of Life. Be filled with the Light
and Life of Yeshua. Read the Word.
is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those
things which are written in it; for the time is near.
[Revelation 1:3 NKJV]
Ha’ba B’Shem Adonai
is he who comes in the name of the L-rd! [Ps
118:26 NKJV]

L-rd bless you, and watch over you; The L-rd make His face
shine on you, and be gracious to you; The L-rd lift up His
countenance on you, and give you peace.

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